Two Childrens Name

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After the two children were full, they blinked their mouths and fell asleep peacefully. Li Mei put down her clothes, her face was full of exhaustion, she turned her head and saw Chen Yi looking at her, she smiled softly, "I'll sleep again meeting."

"Well, go to sleep." Chen Yi supported Li Mei to lie down, put the quilt on for her, and then carried the two children back to the crib, then went out, closed the door, and carried the hoe to the field .

When they came back at night, the mother and son were still sleeping soundly. Chen Yi cleaned up the yard and cooked again, and then woke up Li Mei, "It's time for dinner."

Li Mei woke up in a daze, "It's already dark?"

"Well, it's night, are you hungry? I cooked meat." Chen Yi said.

"I'm a little hungry." Li Mei nodded honestly.

Chen Yi was holding a bowl, intending to feed Li Mei, but was stopped by Li Mei, "I'll do it myself."

Chen Yi looked at her worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Okay, don't worry, just give it to me." Li Mei said.

Chen Yi handed over the bowl, not forgetting to tell him, "It's still hot, eat slowly."

Because she was about to give birth, Li Mei's appetite was a bit big, and she quickly finished one bowl of rice. Chen Yi naturally took the bowl and gave her the second bowl.

After Li Mei finished the second bowl, Chen Yi took the bowl and asked, "Are you full? Do you want another bowl?"

Li Mei: "You're full, go and eat."

The child suddenly started crying. Chen Yi hurriedly put down the bowl and walked over to look at it. Li Mei also leaned over there worriedly, "Are you hungry again? I haven't fed you all afternoon."

As soon as Chen Yi hugged the child, he felt a wave of dampness, and he immediately understood it.

He put down the child, found the diaper from the basket next to him, and did not forget to explain to Li Mei, who was worried about the child, "The child urinated."

"Yeah." That's right, she lay on the bed for a whole day and didn't care about her child. She was not doing very well as a mother for the first time.

Li Mei watched Chen Yi clumsily changing the baby's diaper, and she smiled happily.

Chen Yi turned to face Li Mei's smile in a daze, his face blushed unnaturally, "What are you laughing at?"

"You're cute." Li Mei blinked, looked at Chen Yi and said.

Chen Yi's face was a little hot, "How can you say that a man is cute? It should be said that your husband is brave."

I don't know why Li Mei heard Chen Yi say brave, she thought of Chen Yi's appearance on the bed, her ears were hot, and she avoided Chen Yi's sight.

He was pregnant with the child before, and he was afraid of hurting the child, so he hadn't touched her for ten months, and it would take another month for confinement, and she wanted him a little bit.

No, how could she have such thoughts, Li Mei felt a little guilty, "The children should be a little hungry now, take them here and I'll feed them."

Chen Yi carried the two children to the bed, and then went out to wash with the diapers that had just been changed.

The two children were very quiet and well-behaved, and they slept soundly after drinking their fill.

Li Mei's heart softened to the point of confusion, such a cute child belongs to her, who do the two children look like?

There are also two children's names. Before, I only knew that I was pregnant with a child, but I didn't know it was two, so I only thought of one name, and I had to think about the names of the two children again.

It may be that there is no dictionary here, or you can look up the dictionary and choose two meaningful words to combine together.

But the matter of the name still has to be discussed with Chen Yi.


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