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After the new year, the cabbage planted in the field was just ready to be harvested. On a sunny day, Li Mei and Chen Yi harvested a few cabbages from the field and went home.

The salt is bought in advance, and the chili sauce is made by yourself after the peppers bought on the street are minced.

Li Mei actually doesn't know what to do with Juxiu, but he still has an image in his mind, which is to sprinkle it with salt and pepper, and then put it in a jar.

She didn't finish all the surnames at once, and she was afraid that if she messed up a lot of waste of food.

Fortunately, after waiting for almost half a month, Li Mei opened the jar and took out the pickled cabbage.

The red one looked very rich, and Li Mei had already tasted it, her eyes lit up, and she asked this question.

"Try it too." Li Mei took a small piece and fed it to Chen Yi's mouth, "How is it?"

Chen Yi chewed it twice and swallowed it, "It's delicious, but a bit spicy."

Chen Yi doesn't like chili very much, but what this kimchi wants is the spiciness, isn't it, "Spicy is right."

"You said this, how about eating it?" Li Mei was so excited that she succeeded in her surname once.

Chen Yi thought for a while, then nodded, "Dinner? Yes."

"That's it, let's use this for lunch." Li Mei neatly put the chopped kimchi on the plate.

"This is a bit like soaking pickles." Chen Yi thought for a while, then opened his mouth silently.

Li Mei raised her head, looked at Chen Yi seriously and said, "I make kimchi."

Seeing Li Mei's serious expression, Chen Yi knew that he had said something wrong, so he wisely didn't speak again.

At noon, I cooked rice, reheated some unfinished dishes during the Chinese New Year, and added the kimchi made by Li Mei, and the two of them ate a whole plate of kimchi.

After eating and drinking, it was time to go to work. Li Mei took Chen Yi to the field and chopped back the remaining cabbage.

Wash the cabbage in the afternoon, and then touch the salt and pepper on the cabbage, and it will be night after this little work is done.

Li Mei sat all afternoon, her back hurts, her butt also hurts, and Chen Yi is responsible for all the dinner.

When Li Mei's batch of kimchi is ready, it will be spring, and everyone is busy plowing the land to grow food.

Chen Yi himself only had such a small amount of land, not to mention that Li Mei said that she would try to grow something else later, since there was no way to grow any food on that little land anyway.

Chen Yi didn't say anything, it was a tacit consent, he thought, his wife's head was better than his, so that he was more enlightened, and marrying such a smart and virtuous wife was the virtue he had accumulated in several lifetimes.

Originally, it was true that there was really no food to grow on that spot. He went out to work for more than ten days to buy a lot of rice, and growing it by himself would take even more time and effort.

Although the kimchi he made has not been sold yet, Li Mei thinks that it will definitely be sold. After all, it is a new thing. When the time comes, ask about it in a big hotel or restaurant, and it should be able to sell it.

But Li Mei looked at the two plots of her own land, and couldn't grow food, so why not plant something else, what?

Li Mei still can't think of it for the time being, and will go to the street in a few days to see what kind of vegetable seedlings are on sale.


Time Traveling: Marrying A PeasantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon