Frosted Dreams

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Barbie had always been the epitome of grace and glamour. With her flowing golden locks and sparkling blue eyes, she was the ultimate fashion icon. But behind her flawless facade, there was a longing for something more, something beyond the world of fashion.One sunny morning in Malibu, Barbie found herself strolling through the supermarket, contemplating her purpose in life. As she wandered down the cereal aisle, her gaze landed on a familiar face: Tony the Tiger, the charming and confident mascot of Frosted Flakes. Something about his radiant orange fur and warm smile drew her in.

She wondered if he was really that happy all the time, or if he also longed for something more, just like she did. She shook the thought and grabbed the cereal, heading towards the cash register to check out. She had a photoshoot later that day, although she wasn't exactly sure what it was for. Her manager had said she would find out once she got to the set. Barbie loved surprises, but she wasn't sure how to feel about this one. As soon as she got back home her car was already there, waiting to pick her up and get to set. The feeling was a bit foreign to her, but she was feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden. She tried to take some deep breaths to shake the feeling, and she supposed that helped a bit. As she stepped on set, she heard a booming voice coming from the set. "They're GRRRRREAT!!", the familiar voice said. She froze on the spot. Was that... who she thought it was? It had to be. As she walked further her suspicions were confirmed when she laid eyes on that bright orange fur and beautiful smile.

Oh. My. Goddess. Was she doing a photoshoot with TONY?! She could've fainted on the SPOT. But she didn't, because she was a professional. Wow."Hey, Barbie!" Tony exclaimed from the photostage."H-HI! Hi Tony!" Barbie replied. What was she, a middleschooler fawning over her crush? It was just that, Tony was such a big inspiration to her, no one could blame her if she was a bit starstruck."I'm a BIIIIG fan of your work!""Ohmygosh, me too!""Alright you two, let's start this thing," the photographer announced. Barbie was given a cute pink bandana to wear. "Tony, sit on the left, no, my left, Barbie, on the right. Yes, perfect. Now, I need the two of you to both take a bite of the Frosted FlakesTM's new Frosted Ropes Cereal SpaghettiTM(C)(R)."They did as they were told, it was delicious! She never knew how good pasta sauce and pure sugar tasted together."Alright, now, continue eating until there's a string of spaghetti left, like Lady and the Tramp style. I want you two to end right before you meet in the middle."As they ate, Barbie felt her plastic face flush harder and harder, until they were nose to nose. She heard a flash go off, but she could barely notice it with Tony so close. Oh, his eyes are beautiful..."Grrrreat-haha, get it? Now, meet in the middle."As their lips touched, Barbie felt as if her mind left her body. Tony's furry lips were soft and coated in sweet pasta sauce and he kissed her so sweetly."And that's a wrap, everyone."They got cleaned up, and everyone set to setting things away. That left Barbie with ample time to talk to Tony. Before she could get to him, he came up to her."Hey, Barbie.""Hi! What a great photoshoot, right? I mean, your products are always so good, I know this one's going to be a hit.""Thank you, I've gotta say, you're GGRRREEAAATT! Would you maybe go out for dinner with me sometime? It felt like we really had a connection."She could've died with happiness on the spot."YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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