What's Better Than Shopping For Ladies Shoes? (smut)

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oh man, sparrow really got himself into it again this time. Sparrow had been rocking out in class on his epic guitar. He was playing all the classics, like starry sky and it cant be over. That was when his bitchass teacher sent him to detention for disturbing the class.

Sparrow flung himself onto the desk, ready for 2 boring hours of detention. As sparrow sulked about his predicament, the new teacher Baldi walked in. Immediatly Sparrow sat up in his seat. Sparrow could not believe how hot this new teacher was. His smooth, shiny, bald head made him think of the sexiest man worldwide and made his member erect. Sparrow was no longer sad, as he was looking forward to this detention period.


"Something the matter, Mr. Hood?" Mr. Baldi asked with a raised brow.

"... Well, sir. Actually, there's just one thing," Sparrow said with a mischevious glint in his eye. "You must be tired all day, yeah? And I wanna get outta this joint as fast as I can, so. How about I do you a favour?"

Baldi's eyebrows raised even more (how was that even physically possible?) and said nothing, daring Sparrow to continue on.

"Do enlighten me, Hood. Your intellect seems lacking in many regards, how in the world could you do ME a favour?"

Sparrow winked and leapt from his detention desk onto Baldi's teacher desk. He assumed a "french girls" position and gave Baldi a smouldering look.

"See anything you like, teach?"

Baldi looked angry, and Sparrow smirked a little nervously. This was either going to be the best or worst idea he's had in his entire life. He leaned forwards and whispered in Baldi's ear, "I like shopping for ladies clothes, you know."

Before he could say anything else, Sparrow was flipped over on the desk. Baldi whipped out his ruler menacingly. It made Sparrow hard.

"Pull down your pants, Hood."

"This an order?"

"Do it. You don't need another case of insubordination on your school record."

Sparrow slowly stripped himself of his pants, showing that he was in fact wearing ladies clothes underneath.


Baldi was impressed by this student, ladies clothes... how intriguing. he pulled out his infamous ruler and began smacking his palm in a slow rythm. "Now Mr. Hood, what do we do to naughty boys?" he asked slowly, in an intimidating manner. Sparrow stuttered, blushing in the presence of this domineering man. "Uh... you... you spank them?" he asked quietly. "there you go!" Baldi replied, approaching the student calmly. "Now you count for me, we'll go to ten." Baldi began lashing Sparrow, making him count up to ten spanks. by this point Sparrow was shaking with anticipation, member achingly hard. "please Mr.... I'm begging you..." Baldi laughed sadistically "begging for what? begging to cum are you? filthy little sparrow." sparrow nodded quickly. Baldi lined himself up and pushed inside, causing the two to both groan. before he could thrust, the two heard another teacher walking by the classroom. Baldi slapped his hand over sparrow's mouth to muffle his noises as the teachers passed by. he then began to thrust, causing them both to groan in pleasure, finishing at the same time all over the desk. Baldi stood up, "Mr. Hood, you clean up this mess. I'll see you in class." he winked. sparrow stood alone in the classroom, not minding his punishment at all.

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