Herobrine's Slippery Adventure (smut)

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Blobby woke up with a funny feeling in his body. He was in a swamp, and when he looked down, he was less... Blobby than before. Really it seemed more like he was a cube.

In the distance were other green beings, a similar shade as himself. Upon closer inspection, they were cubed as well. Oh geez. He was a square! Slime wasn't supposed to be square!!!

Before he could air out any greivances, the area became super foggy. Like, foggier than the atmosphere around Hotel Transylvania foggy.

Two pairs of glowing white eyes appeared in the fog from afar, which both frightened and excited Blobby.

"You're not supposed to be here," The pair of eyes said in a deep, crackling voice. Like it was glitched or something.

"Um, no. Do you know anything?" Blobby asked.

"Haha, I'm the last one you should be asking questions to, little slime."

"Who are you? What is this place?"

The pair of eyes chuckled. "I'm your worst nightmare."

Instead of being scared, Blobby felt himself getting slimier. Oh, dear. This was exciting.


Herobrine sensed a disturbance in his world, thinking it had to be Steve he checked out the area around the swamp only to find something strange. There was definitely something different about this slime! Something.... arousing. Herobrine was intrigued, I mean he did like controlling mobs. He intimidated the slime until it was shaking and goopy all over the ground. "Well little slime, how do you intend on going back to your own world?" he asked tauntingly. The blob shivered "Um... could you help me?" he asked. Herobrine pretended to think about it for a minute. "What if I have a price for my help?" he asked in a low tone. The blob replied almost immediately "Then I'd pay it." Herobrine proceeded to shove his blocky mouth onto the blob with passion, the jiggly creature creating strange yet oddly pleasing sounds. He finally pulled out his block cock and thrust into the blob. The texture was expectedly slimy and warm, it was unlike anything he'd ever felt before! Right before Herobrine could cum, a skeleton started shooting arrows at them. The fucking nerve! Nobody edges Herobrine!


the skeleton must pay the price too, he used his mob control powers to draw the skeleton near. his pixilated rod thrust deeper into its slimy tunnel with excitment as he willed the skeleton to remove its femur and shove it up his "minecraft cave". Herobrine moaned in unison with his blob partner feeling the extacy of this double sensation. cum poured into his gelatinous partner, clearly visible through his transparent body and the skeleton removed his literal bone from his ass. herobrine slowly sunk into the swamp cuddling his monster partners close, he could get used to this.

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