MLM Magician????

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johnny woke up in his apartment that definetly smells like weed, he had just had a very strange dream about a VERY handsome man in a suit. He looked as if he was from the early 1900s and johnny was intrigued. He tried to go through his day without getting distracted by this historical hottie but he simply couldnt stop thinking about him. What was happening to him?

"Hello, constable."Johnny yelled. In front of him was the man from his dreams. The very same man with the very same suit and very same face that said "clearly you don't own an air fryer" without needing to say anything."Um, I'm not a constable," Johnny replied. "I'm Johnny."The handsome man tilted his head in confusion. "Huh, I was sure I was going to end up in the constable's bedroom. Oh well, stage magic's one thing but Magic magic's not the most reliable."Magic, huh? This guy a witch or something?"Are you a witch, then?"The man shook his head. "I'm better than a witch, I'm a magician. Houdini, you mightve heard of me."
Johnny didn't know this man, after all he had been isolated from society during his time at the hotel. Although this Houdini fellow was quite annoying, he was somehow handsome in a strangely bizarre way."Ok Houdini, show me some real magic then." he flirted, Mavis didn't need to know."Oh yeah? Is that a challenge?" Houdini smirked.Johnny leaned closer to Houdini and traced his jawline with his fingers."You heard me" he whispers.Houdini suddenly kisses Johnny passionately. Johnny threads his fingers through Houdini's nasty 1800's hair. But suddenly Drac burst through the door."JOHNNY YOU WHORE! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO CHEAT ON MY DAUGHTER WITH ME! WHO IS THIS FUCKER?!"

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