The Zumbo Test

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the sun was peeking through the window, prompting the cat in the hat to wake up. He opened his eyes, and found a hand draped over him. "who is this?" he thought to himself. he looked over. it was zumbo. had he slept with zumbo last night? no way. they hated each other. but was there a possibility that all
that drinking could make them get over their rivalry.Zumbo had always hated the Cat, after all, his methods were extremely unorthodox. There was no technique whatsoever! He was always making a mess of the kitchen with his things and his magic hat. Zumbo was never impressed by his cooking, not enough flavors or layers, he said. And in turn, the Cat thought Zumbo has a stick up his gorgeolicious ass.Glancing over, he could see his furry face reflected in Zumbo's shiny bald head. He knew how ruthless Zumbo could be sometimes, especially when one of his contestants loses a Zumbo test, so he didn't want to upset the master baker.He felt around for his hat, finally finding it, but unfortunately, it was under Zumbo's head, like a pillow.The sight warmed the cats heart and made him purr, but unfortunately, he has to take it from under the man in order to slip away.
The Cat tugged his hat back, causing Zumbo to stir. He stilled himself for a moment in order to not wake the sleeping man. He must not know..."Five more minutes, chefs..." Zumbo mumbled in his sleep.The Cat took the opportunity to grab his hat when Zumbo rolled over, freeing it from under his shiny bald head. The Cat walked to the door sneakily, turning the handle, when-CREAK!Oh shit. Zumbo tossed and turned, eventually opening his bleary eyes. "Hhuh? Whozit?" He rubbed his eyes and blinked. Then, he saw the cat. "...You..."The Cat waved."What the fuck!" Zumbo cried. "YOU'RE NOT ESCAPING THE ZUMBO ZONE THAT EASILY!"

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