Sonic's Problem

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sonic's alarm went off at 7 am. he immediately pressed snooze and went back to bed. "5 more minutes..." he mumbled, still half asleep. only a couple seconds later he heard a voice from downstairs. It was his uncle, tom nook. "Hey Sonic! you better be up or else you're gonna be late for school!" he yelled. it was his last day of being a senior in highschool, and he couldn't wait to get out. Sonic got up with a grumble and yelled back, "alright i'll be down in a sec!". he got up and got dressed, then made his way downstairs. "good morning sleepy head", tom said, head down focused on making some more pancakes. "morning" sonic replied, sitting down at the table. tom put some fresh pancakes on his plate as sonic grabbed the maple syrup. "how do you feel about it being your last day?" tom asked. "not much. I'm just glad it's over" Sonic said, in a monotone voice.

But what his Uncle Tom didn't know, was that sonic THE hedgehog, was also SPIDERMAN, or rather, spiderhedgehog, but that doesn't sound nearly as cool. Sonic wasn't super jazzed to go to school today, because he knew he was gonna catch shit from his arch nemesis at school, Shadow. It really didn't help that Shadow was also his crush. He was just so hot and mysterious. He just needs to keep his head low and get through it, then it'll be a smooth summer where he can swing through the city and eat icecream cones on walls."Bye Uncle Tom! See you later tonight." Tom really was all he had. Sure, the resemblance wasn't really there, but the love was. Tom was with him through thick and thin, and supported the both of them with his ruthless landlord salary.The school day went by painfully slowly, Sonic yearned for his suit and the feeling of open air on his face as he swung from rooftop to rooftop. But there was one thing standing in his way from leaving on his last day of senior year, Shadow. Its almost like he wanted to bid him adieu or something..."Hey, fuckface! Where do you think you're goin' so easily." He grabbed Sonic's shoulder with almost inhuman strength and slammed him up against the locker. Almost everyone had cleared out by then, and they were in a relatively unused hallway of school. Sonic was on his own.Which would normally be fine, after all, he does have super strength. But something was SUPER OFF. There was some sort of black goo forming around Shadow, encasing him until he was finally surrounded in a spiderman-esque suit. But all black... This emo fuck. What the hell?

"N-nowhere," Sonic stammered, a little afraid, but mostly flustered because of their close proximity. "What are you doing?""NOTHING!" Shadow yelled far too loudly, they were NOT far enough away from each other to warrant that kind of volume. Quieter, he said, "I know your secret. I want one million dollars from you, or else I'll leak it to the whole school."Sonic thought Shadow could've done better than just the school, like, maybe take it to a news reporter or something, but he supposed news DID spread fast among gossipy teens. Anyways, seriously, a million dollars? He may be hot, but boy, is Shadow dumb."What are you talking about?""You're..." Shadow leaned in, and Sonic almost thought they were going to kiss. "Spiderhedgehog.""Spiderman.""What?""Spiderhedgehog just sounds stupid, it's Spiderman, who I'm NOT, by the way.""AAUGHH!!" Shadow screamed in frustration. "YOU IDIOT! I'm you're arch nemesis, VENOM, and YOU'RE GOING TO FEEL MY WRATH!"Shadow then grabbed him with one of his weird inky tentacles, and threw him across the hallway. Sonic hit a locker, which kind of hurt, but he was a lot more durable than most.He threw his hands up. He didn't want this! Sure shadow was a complete asshole in school, but not a superpowered one! He became so overcome with emotion that he exclaimed, "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU."That stopped Shadow in his tracks."What?""I'm in love with you?""No, I got that, just, WHAT?! WHEN?!?!?!?""Since you first pushed me into a wall in seventh grade," Sonic admitted embarrassedly."Huh. Well now I feel kind of bad. I mean... what kind of pathetic loser gets a crush on their bully?"Sonic felt his heart shatter in two. He should of known, he should have known this would've happened! He used all of his spider powers in an Epic Duel against Venom Shadow, who truly became his nemesis that day, defeating him and pinning HIM against the locker for once instead. He was pretty sure Shadow wouldn't snitch too easily now...Then, he finally walked home. Uncle Tom was probably wondering where he was. He opened the door home and saw his dear uncle watching the evening game."Hey kiddo! Where were you? Didya hang out with a friend? Could've given me a call...""Sorry Uncle Tom, and, yeah, it was something like that."THE END.

Multi-fandom OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora