The aged man trembled in fear and in growing guilt, if Dhruva assumed right. He stayed by Prithvi's side as his brother continued to put sense into the revolting city dwellers. As he studied each and one of them in the crowd, he wasn't sure if they understood Prithvi's words but hoped at least one or two to get it and later spread the word. He understood, changing people's perception was not a one-day task but a series of reality confrontation.

"If all of you had taken some time to think, you would have understood this wasn't your problem at all. It's a problem between the kings and they would have settled it verbally or wage a war. Even then that's not your problem unless, they," Prithvi pointed to the people of Kavish standing behind him, "destroyed your livelihood, had taken your jobs and left your stranded. You have no idea the number of friends and family members they have lost and continue to, till this day." Prithvi swept a glance on the crowd from one end to the other. "So, be kind enough and make way for them to reunite with their families."

Wave of chatters rippled to every end of the crowd. While some raised their voice to disapprove, many moved away from blocking the parade.

Dhruva gave a pat on Prithvi's shoulder as he got down from the chariot. "I am so proud of you, my brother."

"I told you. I'll take care of it. I have left some men behind to control the crowd." He winked and marched to their horses. "But I think I have missed a few points and said something else altogether. You know like your brains says one but your mouth says another." He laughed out loud. "I'll be better next time, it's my first time anyway."


An of hour marching and three hours of sorting and boarding, six royal ratha vimana each carrying hundred and twenty passengers departed for Kavish in a smooth take off. Convincing over five hundred people who had no idea on the invention of flying ships had only delayed their trip but a successful boarding nonetheless.

Dhruva opt to board one of the vimanas with the Kavishians and Prithvi followed suit. After a couple of hours, Dhruva sauntered along the aisle to check on the passengers when he struck a conversation with a man in his late eighties. He remembered meeting him in a different look, the man had long grey hair, thick overgrown beard, filthy dress and reek of uncomfortable stench. Dhruva had called for the palace works to prepare necessary items for their guests to clean themselves, offered them fresh set of clothes and given them a much-needed makeover. The least he could do was make them look presentable when they meet their families.

"Are you comfortable, ayya?" he asked.

"I am, thank you. Yuvaraja, can you tell me what is this called?" He asked for the vimana.

"We call is the ratha vimana. It's engineered by expertise in Takash Kingdom about eight years ago and it has since made long distance travel convenient. Which means a month travel to Kavish now shorten to two days."

The man's face lit. "That's a marvellous invention." Shortly after, he delved into his own thought and as Dhruva about to leave, he asked "but what made the king decide to let us free?"

"Hmm... The situation compelled the king to make the choice."

"Actually, it's a love affair, ayya." Another voice intervened.

Dhruva turned and glared at his nefarious brother. "What?"

"The princess of Kavish and him are madly in love."

His heart thumped hard, dumbstruck with Prithvi's behaviour. Turning red in embarrassment, Dhruva stride two steps and held him by his arm but Prithvi did not stop there. He went on to weave his own story as the rest of the Kavishians turned their attention to him.

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now