Yesterday's fears

Start from the beginning

- Hey, watch the tongue. - She scolded me playfully and I licked her skin making her take her hand away. - Eww.

We laughed together and I pressed her body to mine.

- You're not disgusted when it's in your mouth - I said in a provocative voice and she bit her lip in response.

- And what makes you think that way?

- You know, a few moans from you here and there. - I approached her face with a naughty smile on my face, even though she couldn't see it I felt that she notices this kind of thing. Chaeyoung remained motionless until the light touch of our lips, but when I closed my eyes, her hands took me back to my previous place.

- Don't try to distract me, Myoui. You have a story to tell me. - It was my turn to bite my lip.

- Okay, where was I?

- Your mom. Why don't you talk about her so much?

- My mother was never very important to me, she was always away, busy or worried too much. - I rolled my eyes just remembering the senseless prohibitions she had made me when I was younger. - I used to think that the problem was actually me, I couldn't relate, I wasn't good enough. But then my father started the company and they had Minho. I understood that the problem was with her. – I stopped for a moment and breathed slowly. - My mother didn't show to me half as much as she did to him. The attention, the love, the concern, I had none of that and just watched it being given to someone so close. I remember hating him a bit, even when I was little, my parents said it was jealousy because of the lack of attention I was suffering at the time. But it was never at the time, it was always. Since I was a little girl, I didn't know what it was like to spend a day with my mother and later the same thing happened with my father. What kind of kid can assimilate that?

- Don't hate her, darling. - Chaeyoung sighed noticing the frustration in my voice. Talking about that brought up everything I felt at the time, even though I was so young I remembered exactly what I went through and it wasn't good. - At least she's trying to redeem herself now.

- After years and years she wants to redeem herself? After all the damage done? - I laugh unconformed. I think it's such a hypocritical attitude for people to seek forgiveness after choosing to remain in error.

- Don't be like her. I know it's hard to give back something other than what we're given, but at the end of the day, it's what's best for you. - I took a deep breath lowering my gaze to the ground in front of me.

I know she was right, it was the usual story: no matter how right the advice given was, my stubbornness fought it to the end. Of course, it's always good to do good and never return evil for evil, but in practice it's never that easy. How many times have I been hit in the face when I tried to be good? How many times have I gone unnoticed when returning a slap with a flower? It took a lot of willpower and confidence not to give in to the creeps of indifference, and that was precisely what I didn't have.

- When does your ex-friend enter the story? - Chaeyoung lifted my face with her hands and sealed my lips for a long time.

- Nayeon. - I smiled - Well, in the middle of this whole mess that was my head and my house, there was high school too. Believe it or not I wasn't one of the cool kids.

- You were not?! - Chaeyoung opened her mouth in exaggerated astonishment making me laugh. - How absurd!

- It's serious. - I settled down on the table feeling my body already uncomfortable due to the bad position and only then did I realize that she had been standing since we started talking. - Chaeng, come sit here.

I tried to guide her by the hand to my side, but she wouldn't let me.

- I'm good here.

- It doesn't matter, it's agonizing you standing so long in front of me. - I took her hands again, this time hard enough for her to realize that I was serious.

Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now