- I hate you, never ask me this again. - Her hand hit the car and then she went inside the building.

I blew the air out of my lungs and started the car. I crossed the city quickly, anxious to know what Nayeon was doing here. We were great friends when I was in high school in Korea, but some events ended up pushing us apart and I preferred to keep things that way.

Nayeon was the popular type of person, she knew everyone, she was loved by everyone, she knew the best parties, and how to have a good time. Who wouldn't want to be her friend? Me. I had no interest in becoming intimate with these types of people, but she caught me at my lowest point. No love, no affection, no hopes and no care. That's how I was dragged into her world and made my way to where I am today. If I regretted it? I don't know. It was hard to think much when you remembered so little.

I stopped the car at the exit gate of the arrivals area and there she was, exactly as I remembered: head up and wry smile.

- Look who grew up in life - she exclaimed as soon as I got out of the car opening her arms and walking towards me. - In fact, you were always rich, you just didn't have a license yet.

I smiled into her tight embrace. Maybe I was a little happy to see her.

- Hi, Nayeon!

- I missed you... - Her statement came out more sincere than I expected, leaving me even more confused. My mouth opened to give her an answer, but the voice didn't make it past my throat, just a weak sigh against her ear. - So many years and you haven't been able to call me even once.

We let go slowly and our gazes met for an instant. She still had that cheerful sparkle in them, a certain kind of sincerity and purity that you didn't find in her actions. But one look was enough and in that moment I understood that she had, indeed, missed me.

- I'm not going to say I'm sorry about that, because I'm not. - she smiled. - But I'm glad to see you.

- So you're still the same. - My pocket lit up, drawing our attention. I could tell it was Chaeyoung through the fabric of my pants, I just slipped my hand into my pocket, refusing the call. - What happened to you?

I looked down at my clothes and only then did I remember that I should have changed before I came here, I was still covered in mud.

- I was playing softball when you called me.

- And then came straight to get me, what a thoughtful friend. – Nayeon patted me on the shoulder and made her way inside the car. I shook my head, picking up a single bag that I thought was hers and taking it with me into the car.

- Where's the rest of your stuff? - I asked as soon as I got in the car. She glanced at me quickly and then back at the dashboard. She seemed quite amused by it.

- In your hands, silly.

- You only brought this? - Her eyebrows rose and her head bobbed up and down slowly. I hated when she responded to me with movements, they were even more cynical than her words. - How long will you stay here?

- A few days.

- Why?

- Solve some things.

I rolled my eyes and slammed her hand off the sound buttons, startling her.

- Please. What did you come here for? - I asked seriously making her take a deep breath, her eyes wandering around before meeting mine.

- Why don't you start telling me where you were last year? - I flinched a bit at her words and she seemed to notice as she raised her eyebrows again.

Requiem - Michaeng [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now