Chapter 10

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It was already the next morning the day I was dreading. I was up all night thinking about seeing everyone from my old pack today. I heard a knock at the door and got up to open the door since all the rooms were sound proof from the inside. So there was no way the person would have heard me say come in. When I opened the door it was Massey standing there with a mischievous grin she told me to go take a shower because she was doing my make up and hair also she would be choosing my outfit for the day. I was already regretting opening the door and was about to head back to bed and ignore her when she gave me her famous pointed look that said shut up and do as I say. I swear that girl can be murderous when she wants to be. I dashed for the bathroom to take a shower so that I wouldn't get scolded by her. When i was done I wrapped myself in a huge fluffy purple towel. And went to the sink to brush my teeth and brush my hair. When I was done doing that I walked out of the room only to see my floor covered in clothes and my night stand covered in make and hair products also both a curling iron and hair straightener. She put a smokey eye shadow and cat eyes to make my eyes look bigger. She put mascara on my already long eyelashes and put a bright red lipstick. She ended up straightening my hair and at the ends curling it. When she was done with my make up she finished by giving me my outfit. It was a pair of black skinny jeans a leather jacket, and a black tank top and to finish my perfect outfit she paired it with a red scarf and my combat boots to give me my bad ass look. We walked out the door and into Daemon's office. I went in without knocking. Daemon immediately called me over to his lap and kissed me we forgot Massey was there until she made gagging noises at us. We just glared at her and she put her hands in surrender mode and walked out laughing. I asked Daemon what time the packs was getting here and he said they should be here soon. I asked if he could present me as Bella for short their usual nickname for me. And as their 3rd in command, he agreed and told me he would present me the way I wanted. All of a sudden he got all tense and his eyes glazed over I knew he was communicating through the mind link. He gave me a hard look and asked me to please behave because the pack was already here. He also told me I'd be moving into his room permanently.

Sorry it's so short but next chapter will be longer :) Comment and Vote!!

Picture of her outfit ;)

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