Chapter 32

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Daemon had ordered people to organize the event and when everything was done I came out to inspect and see if there was anything else that was needed to be done for the barbeque. When I was sure nothing else was needed I proceeded to go take a shower and get ready for the BBQ. I was nervous excited and full of emotions I didn't know if I would be a good mother but hopefully with Daemon guiding me I'll be okay. Around 6:30 the party was on full blast and everyone was already here. They got here around 6 as we asked and everyone wad enjoying themselves. The elders playing with the little kids and the teens doing their own thing and the adults doing their's. I was happy how the outcome of this BBQ was going so far. Teens were dancing and so were the elders I was so happy and carefree but I knew I might end up getting rejected soon by the packs as soon as I told them about being pregnant. Sure I could be carrying the next alpha but what if it wasn't a boy? Will they reject me and start over with my babies? Or will Daemon stand up for me and them? I don't know hopefully they'll be happy. I saw Daemon stepping up to the podium and calling me over I knew it was better tp get everything over with. Daemon thanked everyone from all 3 packs about helping us with Jaxon and I zoned out until I heard him say we had a really great announcement and he pulled me next to him "your Luna and I are having triplets and she's pregnant." Everyone burts into claps and whistles and then he told everyone to enjoy themselves. I was bombarded with questions I was really excited and I was so glad everyone accepted us. I loved Daemon and the pack so much and these little peanuts. When I felt I was tired I saw Daemon walk up to me and picked me up bridal style and take me to our room where we changed and then fell asleep we'd clean up tomorrow and the packs can keep enjoying themselves.

I know it was short and it sucked but hadn't had so much time I was in the hospital for 2 weeks so I'm sorry. I'm going to enter the watty awards and see if my lucky stars are on my side lol. Anyways I'd love to give a dedication to MsTeeMartin because she has voted on all of the chappies and kept up with my books. Thanks well thats all for today.

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