Chapter 7

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I woke up to my alarm ringing I looked at and it said it was 5:30 am. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get up. I put on Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance on my ipod.

Then I went into the bathroom peed and then started the shower. When I was finished taking my shower I brushed my teeth and went into my room to get dressed. I decided to go out simple today using some ripped skinny jeans and a black My Chemical Romance t-shirt that I stole from Daemon, when he let me use it the day we went on a run and forgot clothes to shift back. I also put on socks and my lucky combat boots. I went back into the bathroom and applied a little bit of mascara to my long lashes and just a little bit of clear lip glass to male my lips stand out a bit. After I was done getting ready it was about 6 am and went downstairs to make something for the pack.

I decided on making pancakes, eggs, sausages and bacon you can never go wrong with bacon. When I was half way through being done Daemon came downstairs and offered to help and I gladly took his help. In no time we finished and since no one had woken up we decided to prank everyone we went to get some air horns and went around the halls blaring them.

Soon everyone came out all moody and grumbling and cursing us but we just laughed and rushed to the kitchen and yelled at them breakfast was ready. It was as if we had told them that they would starve for the next few weeks because everyone came rushing down and started to pile up their plates.

Daemon and I had already finished our food when we asked me to go with him on a walk to the forest. We were walking down the forest when we arrived at our secret place. He showed me this a few days after I came. Whenever I'm with him I feel like a school girl, blushing and making a fool out of myself. We sat down him hugging me and looked into my eyes and kissed me. We deepened the kiss and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I didn't hesitate to. When we were both done making out he looked into my eyes again and asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and kissed him again but this time it was a kiss full of love not rushing into anything.

We walked back to the pack house to tell everyone the news about us two. When we got to the pack house everyone gave us a knowing smile and I couldn't help to blurt out that me and Daemon were going out and that we kissed. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I turned into a crimson red embarrassed that I had been so blunt to say it. Everyone laughed at my embarrassment but congratulated us.

That night Daemon made me move into his room being the possessive alpha he was. We talked about everything that had been going on for the past few years. About me and him and our future. He even told me that if we ever got married he wanted 5 kids to my surprise I agreed that five was a good number. We were in the middle of making out when I felt the pains I've been feeling for the last few years.

Alexander was having sex with one of his sluts. But tonight it was worse than ever. My skin felt like it was on fire. I couldn't even breathe it felt like I was suffocating. Daemon tried soothing me and mind linked the pack doctor Gerald. He was a middle aged man with glasses. He was the one who told me about the pains I kept having almost daily. But never like this this was way worse than any other time. When Gerald got to the room he rushed over and put a sedative in me and all I could make out was him telling Daemon mate marked someone before I let sleep take over.

That's the outfit she wore. And my Chemical Romance is one of my favorite bands.
Hope you enjoyed. Comment on any errors I'll truly appreciate it. Have a good night everyone :)
~ werewolfchick1215

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