Chapter 2

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It was 5 am in the morning I kept hearing an annoying sound right besides me. I just kept trying to ignore it but it wouldn't work. When I finally was able to ignore it my brother burst into my room telling me to turn that shit off. Groggily I said something like a yeah yeah yeah now shut up and leave. I reached over my alarm clock and to press the dismiss button so I could get up and start my day for school. We go to an all werewolf school.

I went straight into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and I started to get undressed to be able to take a shower. When I walked out of the shower I wrapped myself into a huge comfy towel and walked straight to my closet. There since it is my birthday I decided to choose a white lacy bra and some matching underwear. I had decided to try and look presentable for today my birthday and the day I get to see my mate. I kept searching and searching but wasn't able to find anything. And to say I have a lot of clothes is an understatement. After all I am the daughter of a Beta. I decided to start on my make up since I couldn't look find anything yet.

As soon as I walked out of the closet I noticed a huge gift on my bed. Feeling scared as to what it was since I kept making huge scenarios in my head about it being a bomb. But I finally got some courage and decided to open it. I'm glad I did what was inside was a new outfit. It was an aquamarine tank top kind of shirt with ruffles in the front and also some cute white jeans and a pair of pearl earrings and some sandals. Also in the very bottom of everything was a note it was from my brother. It read "Happy Birthday dear little sister, Here is something to hopefully start your day on a good side, I Love You". I am a very emotional person so when I read it I started to cry good thing I hadn't done my make up yet.

When I got dressed, I walked over to the bathroom again. I looked into the mirror the outfit was gorgeous yet the girl wearing it was very ugly looking and dull. I started trying to do my hair deciding it was best to let it down. I started brushing to the knotty, dull brown hair and when that was done I applied some anti freeze because let's face it curly hair can't be tamed too easily. I then applied some mascara and lip gloss.

I started heading downstairs to get some breakfast. When I walked down I saw my family all sitting around the table eating. My mom had prepared my favorite chocolate chip pancakes and made home mad syrup. Both my parents got up and rushed over to me to give me a bone crushing hug. Told me they loved me and wished me a happy birthday. When we were finished eating I went to one of the downstairs bathrooms and brushed my teeth again with a spare toothbrush I keep in there.

When I was just finishing up my brother told me to hurry up because we were going to be late to school. So I rushed out so we wouldn't be late and the sooner we get there the sooner I'd be able to find my mate.


Photo of the outfit

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