Chapter 3

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When we got to school everything seemed the same as always, the nerds on one side, the popular people in the other, and all classifications where within their groups. I walked into the trying to avoid everyone from the popular group, that way I'd avoid getting beaten or cursed out. I walked into the building and the cold fresh air hit my skin it felt so good after all it's so hot outside.

I walked to where my locker was and put in my combination and once I opened it I threw everything inside that I wouldn't need for my first and second block. When I was about to close it, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me I relaxed instantly as I new it was my best friend Ashley and standing behind her was Justin my other best friend. They were the only people who never hurt me and decided to take a risk and hang out with me even though people don't like talking to them anymore. They both wished me a happy birthday but we were really bummed out when we found out that Justin wasn't my mate but didn't surprise me there I was never really into him yeah I like him a lot but as a brother nothing else. Ashley apparently thought we would of been mates. I could tell he was hurt but decided not to act upon it.

We were walking to our classroom when the most intoxicating smell of spice and woods came rushing to my nose, my wolf got into high alert we searched around but couldn't fine the source of the smell. That's when I heard Ashley and Justin ask me if I was okay. All I was able to do was shake my head yes. We walked to our first block and sat on our usual seats at the back of the class. The block seemed to breeze by.

As we headed to our second block class I got a whiff of the intoxicating smell again but as soon as it came it left. During second block it was nothing over the ordinary except some kids getting detentions here and there. One our way to lunch I smelled it again and this time it was so strong. When I whipped my head to the direction of the protruding scent I realized it was Alexander our future alpha. He was with Alina the pack slut. He looked into my direction my heart skipped a beat but as soon as I was about to say the words mate he walked away kissing Alina in the process.

After lunch on my to third block I told Justin and Ashley to go ahead that I needed to use the toilet. When I was about to walk in I felt a jolt of electricity flow through me and it was the most amazing sensation ever and I knew that was only from one person Alexander. I turned around with a smile on my face but when I looked into his blue eyes my smile dropped.

He dragged me out of the school and out of prying eyes and ears. And then he said the most painful words he could of said to me his mate. He said " I Alexander Hayes reject you Isabella Walker as my mate." He then continued saying "Isabella you are one of the weakest pack members and one of the worst choices the moon goddess could of picked for me. You are worthless and you are a no body." Right at that moment I felt my heart break into thousands or even millions of little pieces and then I ran away from him.

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