Chapter 17

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When Alexander came in he ran to my side and asked me to forgive him for everything he did to me. I told him it would take more for me to accept his apology. He had done so much damage in my life and it wasn't fair for me to forgive him like nothing ever happened. Everything he put me through was so painful. I had made a decision a decision a day before ending here in the hospital. I told Alexander to let me speak cause I needed to get everything off my chest. I told him "Alexander when we were friends we used to be together all the time i don't know what happened to you why you change. And the day I didn't shift I thought you would be there for me yet you laughed at me telling me I was weak. You turned everyone against me and never even cared that everyone was hurting me and beating me. Alexander you were the soon to be Alpha so I know that you knew what was right and wrong. Yet you made the wrong decisions with bullying a pack member of your father's pack knowing that if he found out that you would be in huge trouble. That lasted until high school. The last straw for me was your rejection because no matter how much you mistreated me I loved you as my best friend and if you had apologized back then I would easily forgiven you for mistreating me, but you decided to reject me. You never even gave me the opportunity of trying to shift you just automatically thought I would never shift yet 2 weeks later after my birthday I ended up shifting and guess what I turned out to be a silver wolf. A strong wolf that would be able to defeat any other wolf including yourself. The day you rejected me hurt me and my wolf since we both knew that we were stronger than anyone in your pack yet you chose a slut over your mate." I could tell he was shocked at my confession about being a silver wolf. He tried talking but I asked him not to interrupt that I still had more to tell him. He just nodded his head. I told him "Alexander you say you want to be a good Alpha yet all you have done since you've came here is cause trouble and who knows what you did back home. You managed to piss off a whole coven of vampires and a group of rogues who will get more rogues to help destroy your pack. If anyone has been weak it has been you not me. I've managed great things here with the love and support of my friends. They believed in me and taught me how to fight. They've taught me how to be independent. And they have put all their love and trust within me and I've only known them for 2 years and I've known your pack all my life. Yet your pack will never be there for me other than my family members. I was even able to fall in love again with Daemon." He growled at when I told him I loved Daemon. "Alexander don't growl as if trying to protect what's yours cause you lost me the day you rejected me. I don't consider you nothing but a pack we're helping out cause the Alpha is an idiot who got himself in trouble. So this is my decision."He nodded wanting to hear it. " Alexander Hayes I Isabella Walker Rej..." Before I was even finished saying anything he put his hand over my mouth. I licked it so he could let go of my mouth. He looked at me all weird out before he wiped his hand on my hospital gown. Which earned him a growl from me and he gave me a sheepish smile. I rolled my eyes and asked why he had stopped me. He told me he wanted a second chance. I told him "I'm sorry Alexander you've proven yourself so much to me that I can't trust you anymore." He told me to please give him 2 weeks to try and prove himself to me that if in those two weeks he hadn't stopped being an ass wipe that he would accept my rejection. I nodded my head and he was about to kiss my forehead but I growled at him he hasn't gotten to that point of him letting me kiss me anywhere. He gave me a small smile and kissed me real quick and ran out the room just before I killed him. I just shook my head and smiled while my wolf ravished the feeling of our mate kissing us. Daemon entered the room and asked what was going on. I explained to him what Alexander wanted. He looked mad and sad at the same time couldn't help but frown and hold his hand I told him that whatever happens he would still be my priority. That I would give him a fair chance but I really doubt I could be with someone as narcissistic as Alexander. Who probably only cared cause I'm changed and I'm a silver wolf. He just told me to please just think about him too and who has been there for me all this time. He left me my food on the table and walked out.

Author's Note!!

Sorry my lovely readers I couldn't update yesterday I was in the hospital all day. I'm sick to my stomach. They told me I'm having trouble digesting my food. I've lost about 10 lbs in a week. :( So sorry about not uploading and well I'll try to upload as much as I can since I'll have to stay here for a few days. Also comment and vote on this chapter and tell me how I'm doing. What I need to do better and all my other chapters too. Also on my last 2 author's notes help me choose Isabella's character and Alexander's character. ~werewolfchick1215


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