Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Isabella Walker. I am 17 years old I turn 18 tomorrow. I am a little on the short side, I'm 5'1. I'm chubby and did I mention I'm a werewolf? Well, all my family and people who surround me are. I live in the Bloodymoon Pack. I live with my parents and brother Mark he's the soon to be beta. My father is the current beta. Even though my family is one of the highest ranks in the pack I still get bullied and beaten on every opportunity they find. It wasn't always like this though, as a matter of fact, I used to be best friends with the future Alpha Alexander Hayes or as I used to call him Alex.

We were inseparable, but everything comes to an end sooner or later. It all started when he shifted into his midnight black wolf that stated he was an Alpha. He turned even more popular and forgot about me, but at the time he never tried to hurt me. The worst came when I turned 13 and I was supposed to shift for the first time. We werewolves shift for the first time at 13. So when I didn't shift, then I started getting bullied by everyone in the pack.

My parents never found out and well my brother never did anything to stop it always afraid of losing his title. What no one really knows is that 2 weeks after my birthday I ended up shifting while I went on a walk into the forest. I shifted into a beautiful silver wolf something no one in the pack has ever seen, there's only 4 out there and I guess I'm one of them. We don't have powers or anything like that, but we are stronger than any other wolf. We were created specially from the moon goddess. I haven't told anyone why would I they would just treat me even worse. It even got to the point where they wouldn't let me eat anything and call me names. To everyone I have been just the pack's fat ass. But hopefully once I meet my mate everything will change. Hopefully he's in another pack that way he can take me as far away from this pack as soon as possible. But we'll just have to wait and see tomorrow during my birthday.

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