Yu : God's ??? Are you fucking with me right now ??

Ruby : Swear Jar !!!

Yu : Sorry Ruby.

Everyone got a laugh out of that as i rubbed my head in embarrassment.

Weiss : Everyone know's the story of the brother Gods, It's a fairy tale we all grew up with.

Pyrrha : Yes it was always one of my favorites growing up.

Ozpin : It's true or part of it is true.

Yu : But what does the Relic actually do though ??

Ozpin : Once every hundred year's it can answer any three questions a person might have as long as it's not about the future.

I smiled widely knowing that i could finally know everything i needed to formulate a plan.

Ozpin : But i'm afraid that the questions have already been used at the moment, And it will be another 70 years until it can be used again.

I realized that Ozpin just lied to me, After so much has happened it appears that Lie Detector is still functioning even after Ozpins transformation.

Ozpin : So i would like if you just hand the Relic to me so i can keep it safe.

Yu : Well i have another question for you then, Why did you just lie to me ???

Ozpin's eye's widened and his mouth fell open ever so slightly in surprise as i called him out so i picked up the lamp.

Jaune : What do you mean Yu ??

Ozpin : Yes i'm afraid i have no idea what you are talking about either.

I shook my head in disappointment as even though he was caught he wouldn't admit any wrong doing so it appeared that i would have to explain, At this point all my friends looked at him in a more serious way and slowly came to stand behind me.

Yu : Do you remember the day we first met Ozpin ??

Ozpin : Yes i do why do you ask ??

Yu : Remember those questions i asked you ???

He nodded with a perplexed look on his face.

Jaune : What are you talking about ??

Yu : Well Jaune, I was visited by him and Miss Goodwitch late at night but before i let them speak to me i asked them both some questions,  And that was to put them under the influence of a Quirk.

I explained that the quirk was Lie detector and its activation requirements were for the target to tell me one truth and one lie, Then i could always tell if they were being honest with me.

Jaune : Wait i remember you asked me some weird things too ??

Yu : Yes after i met you i had to be sure of who you really were and thankfully your heart was pure, You have the heart of a true Hero. That's why i gave you something so precious to me the power of One for all.

Jaune rubbed his head in embarrassment and blushed while Pyrrha held  his hand with a proud look on her face.

Yu : But you just lied Ozpin, Care to tell me why ??

Ozpin : I will be more than happy to explain, But first please hand me the Relic.

He extended his hand but it froze and started to shake and as it did we all heard Oscars voice.

Oscar : He want's to hide the truth from you, There's much more than the lie about the questions, He doesn't want you to know.

Ruby : What do you mean Oscar ??

I am Yuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें