Jin woo does NOT like strangers

Start from the beginning

Arthur let out a resigned sigh, his gaze fixed on the unfolding spectacle before him. Beside him, Caera observed with a mix of concern and anticipation as Feyrith, defeated and deflated, returned to his seat after being mercilessly humiliated by the professor.

Geist, the instructor of practical mana manipulation, wore a mischievous grin as he scanned the classroom. "Would any other DC member like to step forward?" he taunted, his eyes locking onto the eager faces in the front row. It was then that Kathlyn's hand shot up, her determination shining through as she made her way towards the front. Geist, known for his cunning ways, relished the opportunity to leave an indelible impression on the human princess and the other girls who sat in the front rows, their minds already captivated by the enigmatic allure of their instructor.

As Kathlyn approached Geist, she retrieved her diminutive wand, her gaze neutral as ever.

Geist's voice dripped with both intrigue and mischief as he addressed the princess. "Are you prepared, Princess Kathlyn?" he inquired, his smirk betraying the hidden excitement within him as he readied himself for the impending duel.

Kathlyn simply nodded, her meekness contrasting with the intensity in her eyes, as she summoned a swirling vortex of ice mana around her slender wand.

Arthur's eyes remained fixed on Kathlyn as the mana coalesced around her wand, taking shape with precision and purpose. He couldn't help but notice that she seemed wholly engrossed in the imminent spar, her focus resolute and undeterred by distractions.

Softly whispering to herself, Kathlyn called upon her chosen spell. "Ice shards," she uttered, prompting a barrage of razor-sharp ice projectiles to shoot towards Geist with remarkable speed.

Despite Geist's notorious reputation, his position as a professor at the esteemed institution of magic and his vast experience as an adventurer commanded respect. As Kathlyn's icy assault closed in on him, he swiftly encircled himself with orbs of vibrant azure flames, creating a protective barrier that clashed violently with the incoming ice shards.

The collision of elements produced a thick veil of mist, obscuring the battlefield and veiling the spectacle from the view of those with lesser mana-core levels.

Lowering his gaze, Arthur realized that Geist's power outmatched Kathlyn's magic, causing it to steadily advance towards her position. Ice spikes materialized out of thin air, causing the temperature to plummet as water molecules crystallized around them. In response, Geist raised his hand, casting a spell skyward, summoning a colossal fireball that fragmented into smaller fiery projectiles, hurtling towards Kathlyn like a meteor shower.

Caera's instincts urged her to intervene, but before she could react, Arthur had vanished.

Geist's countenance grew ashen, drained of color, as the vicious assault crashed into Kathlyn, but to the astonishment of everyone present, as soon as the dust settled, Arthur boldly extended his hand outward, willingly bearing the full force of the attack without even a hint of injury.

Geist found himself lost in contemplation, his mind grappling with the question of when exactly Arthur had arrived at the scene.

"Your starting to annoy me." The irritation in Arthur's voice was palpable as he addressed Geist, causing steam to rise from the latter's visage, even though he was unquestionably at fault. However, before Geist could fully articulate his rebuke, Arthur's molten eyes began emanating an alarming degree of intensity, causing him to stumble back.

In a swift motion, Arthur turned around and assisted Kathlyn to her feet, examining her with great care: "Are you alright?" he inquired.

"Yes, I am, and thank you," she responded softly, causing Arthur to release a sigh of relief, while adding, "Why don't you take a seat? I'll handle this." His words prompted Kathlyn to nod in agreement as she returned to her designated place.

Arthur then shifted his attention towards the students, his gaze meeting that of Caera. Uncertainty flickered in her eyes, but she placed her trust in him.

"Well, Professor, perhaps you should extend your honor to this student as you have done with the others," Arthur challenged, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Geist's face contorted with anger, but he managed to compose himself.

"As you wish. Would you prefer a weapon?" Geist inquired, itching to humiliate Arthur.

"I will determine whether or not I require one," Arthur replied nonchalantly, successfully further provoking Geist.

"Very well, then," Geist responded, his hands enveloped in flickering blue flames, preparing to launch himself at Arthur.

Despite the attack's impressive speed, it seemed sluggish to Arthur, as slow as a turtle. With a swift swing of his blade, Arthur skillfully extended his hand behind his head, gracefully evading yet another strike as he stepped back.

"You're slow, someone could have killed you a hundred times already," Arthur thought, his assessment manifesting audibly. Geist lunged once again, and this time, Arthur allowed the flaming sword to come perilously close to his neck before deftly ducking at the last possible moment. His daring manoeuvre paid off, as onlookers began to grow concerned.

"Is running and dodging the extent of your abilities?" Geist bellowed, his weapon descending in a furious arc.

"Well, if you insist," Arthur retorted calmly, his own scarlet slash intercepting Geist's blade, forcefully repelling him backward.

Murmurs rippled through the crowd as Arthur's hand manifested a golden blade, emanating a faint crimson aura. Though Geist was too consumed by frustration to fully appreciate the magnificent sword before him, he lunged forward once more, only to be met with Arthur's swift retaliation. The flaming sword, weakened at its vulnerable point, suffered a slight chip under Arthur's precise strike.

"Two," Arthur calmly counted.

"What in the world are you doing?" Geist roared, attempting another strike, but before he could fully comprehend the situation, Arthur's blade transformed into a blur of crimson, relentlessly assaulting the same spot multiple times.

"Twelve," Arthur continued, unyielding, while Geist roared in frustration, channeling all his mana as the blue flames erupted from the sword, causing the surrounding students to instinctively retreat.

"Predictable," Arthur smirked, propelling himself towards Geist, his form cutting through the air. With each swing of Drakon, he struck repeatedly at the compromised area, exploiting its weakness. Soon, the sword succumbed, cracking and falling to the ground, leaving Geist horrified.

"Twenty-one. I must say, your weapon's quality isn't half bad," Arthur complimented, pointing his own blade at Geist with unwavering confidence.

"Fight fire with fire, as the saying goes," Arthur pondered, his words drifting amidst the mounting tension.

In a sudden surge of raw power, an aura of ethereal blue flames, tinged with a mesmerizing hint of amethyst, erupted forth from the depths of his very being. The intensity of the blaze was palpable, its scorching heat radiating with an almost otherworldly presence. Like a conductor of an infernal symphony, Arthur directed the conflagration, his palm transforming into a vessel for this raging elemental force. The flames danced and flickered with a mesmerising rhythm, casting an enchanting glow upon their surroundings.

As the all-encompassing flames encircled Geist, the once-proud figure crumbled, collapsing to his knees under the relentless assault of this fiery onslaught. The scorching heat permeated the air, the flames hungrily licking at his flesh, leaving an imprint of searing pain and unyielding destruction.

"Yield," Arthur commanded, his voice resolute and unwavering. Geist, unable to conceal his fear any longer, succumbed to the overpowering sensation that gripped him. "I surrender," he whimpered, his voice barely audible. A contented grin spread across Arthur's face, a sense of triumph emanating from him as he retracted the flames, extinguishing the blaze that had engulfed them.

Casting his gaze backward, Arthur observed the multitude of emotions that played out across the faces of the bystanders. Fear, awe, and jealousy mingled in a captivating display, painting a vivid portrait of the impact his display of power had on the onlookers. However, it was Caera who captured his attention, her expression devoid of any discernible emotion, her gaze fixed upon him with an unflinching deadpan stare.

"Maybe I went a bit too far," Arthur murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of self-doubt, as he meekly scratched his head

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