Casual Morning

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When I wake up, the chilly December air brushes my skin alongside the faint light that peeks through the window. I forgot to turn off the AC last night.

The warmth of someone’s breath tickles my neck. I sense my right hand touching a naked skin, almost as soft as velvet. Opening my eyes, her peaceful sleeping face welcomes me, like a kitten in deep slumber.  Her body is hidden under the blanket we shared, but I can see bluish red marks on her neck and collarbone peeking shyly. I’m sure there are more on her chests, stomach, and even lower than that. I lost my composure last night, but it won’t stop me from remembering where I put my kisses on her.

I move my hand on her back to caress her silky smooth golden locks. She grunts softly, maybe feels my touch in her dream, and moves closer to me. I tense up because of that simple movement. Even though we’re sharing a bed together many times before, it’s not like I can get used to it and ignore her existence. The warmth of her skin she emits that seeps in and runs through my veins, her inhuman softness that makes me crave it more, her steady breaths, her soft sleeping sounds that run from her rosy lips, all of those things felt so comforting but also enough to lit up something in me.

I look at the clock. We still have some time before the first lesson starts, but we need to clean ourselves and have breakfast. Getting late to school could affect our class points so better to not risk it.

“Kei, wake up,” I whisper to her ears.

But there’s no sign of her waking up soon. It’s quite rare because usually, Kei woke up before me. She told me she needed more time for her long hair and whatever beauty routine she had. It seems being a girl is really not simple, especially if you’re the queen bee at the top caste of the class.

While I’m wondering how I can wake her up, our conversation long ago comes to my mind.

"Will you wake me up with a kiss if I fall asleep again?"

Kei imagined herself as the cursed princess in eternal sleep until her prince, that is me, according to her, came and woke her up. She is indeed like a sleeping beauty. But I’m not a prince. Only Kei would ever think of a beast like me as her prince. Maybe she is blinded by her infatuation or maybe it’s her forgiving and strong nature who doesn’t fear anything even when her school life is getting threatened or maybe whatever it is, I just don’t understand her enough to decipher her feelings. Even though I understand love slowly thanks to her, Kei’s love is still a mystery to me.

Even so, if my kiss can help her lift her curse, then it’s something worth enough.

I trace the hair that falls to her forehead, then move closer to her and press my lips gently. I don’t have any intention to stop, continue kissing her long eyelashes, the bridge of her nose, her jaw, her face, but intentionally missing her lips.


Finally, those violet orbs peek at me lazily.

“Good morning, Kei,” I peck her lips that only last for one second.

Kei puts her arms behind my my shoulder that is full with her scratches and pulls me closer, until our hearts that beat loudly touch each other. “Morning,” she murmurs. 

“We have class today, you know,” I reminded her.

“Later. Just let me sleep more.” She tries to close her eyes again.

“You sound really exhausted.”

“Whose fault do you think it is?” She glares at me. Well, that’s true that I'm one of the reasons she got such a short rest. I think we only had three until four hours of sleep. But, I’m not the only one to blame.

“Who was begging me to not stop last night?” I tease her.

As if her exhaustion is getting washed away, her consciousness comes back instantly. Red blush paints her cheeks.

“Th-that’s your fault! Kiyotaka is so mean! Hmph!” she pouts while hitting my chest cutely.

I don’t really understand why she called me mean when we got our fair share of blame, but it’s quite worth it because teasing her is always fun. Even though we’re really familiar with each other and interactions like this are not new, she is still embarrassed and gives adorable reactions, from blushing hard to trying to hit or pinch me. It’s interesting to see her mood changes from one to another.

“Kei, it’s hurt, you know,” I decide this is time to stop because we need to go to school.

Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to agree with me. Her touch rubs my chest gently, right above my heart. I almost flinched at her action and held my breath, waiting. She takes it to another level. Moving her face closer, I sense her soft lips touch my ear and start nibbling it. It feels tickle when her tongue and teeth tracing the earlobe until she reaches down to my neck.

“Kei, we need to–”

My words stopped when she looked at me with her devilish grin. Where was your sleepy act before?

“You need to pay back for disturbing my sleep,” she whispers to my mouth, then pressing her lips to mine. It’s not a gentle kiss, but full of pure and raw hunger, as if she’s still not satisfied from last night.

I sigh internally. She is always like that, indulging herself in her own desire.

Not like I mind though.

Pushing away the thought of the school that awaits us, I kiss her back with the same intensity while caressing her hair. I guess, it’s fine to follow her selfishness today. Yeah, just for today.

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