To Face Your Fears

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Kiyotaka Ayanokōji was a hard person to read.

Knowing for slinking off quietly into the background and almost always wearing a blank expression, there was an air of mystery surrounding the brunette boy. His past was something he chose not to share with others - as were his schemes he secretly plotted. Being a lot smarter than he let on, he had a reputation for coming up with plans which he would use most of his classmates as his pawns. He cared not for how the majority of his fellow students felt about being his tools to gain him what he desired.

Yet there was someone in Class D he had no intention of using in such a way. Someone who he genuinely cared about.

He was on his way to meet her that very evening.

With the golden light given off by the sinking sun lighting his way, Kiyotaka made his way through the school grounds. Most of the students were retiring to their dormitories for the evening, so he had no need to worry about anyone noticing and questioning why he was meeting up with such a person.

Kiyotaka looked ahead - and came to a stop when he saw who he was looking for, waiting for him whilst sitting on a nearby bench.

"Hello, Sakura..."

"H-Hello, A-Ayanokōji..."

Airi Sakura peered up nervously at the tall boy stood before her. The redhead's lips slowly curled upwards as she gazed at him in her shy nature. Her heart fluttered inside her chest. It was always difficult for the girl to face and talk to someone when she had always been so timid.

"You good?"

"I sure am..." Airi gave a small nod. "Happy to see you..."

Kiyotaka gazed down at Airi. He could tell she was feeling as bashful as ever around him. He did not want her to be, however; not when he knew her better than most students at the school.

"You wanted to see meet up with me?" He asked, holding up his cell phone. "I got your message earlier today..."

"Yes." Airi nodded again. She was extremely glad she had exchanged contact information with the boy before her; it had truly helped her when she had needed someone.

"Is there something troubling you?" Kiyotaka inquired, the neutral look on his face giving off a hint of genuine concern. "You know you can always talk to me if something is bothering you, Sakura..."

Airi's gaze softened over hearing Kiyotaka's comforting words. Her blue eyes twinkled behind her glasses - which she wore to hid her true self from the rest of the school. She placed a hand over her chest, feeling her heart hammering in all her nervousness.

"Nothing's wrong..." she answered honestly, closing her eyes. "I just ... really wanted to see you..."

Taken aback by what the redhead had said, Kiyotaka stared in disbelief. Not many students at the school would take their time and go out of their way just to see him and him alone. He sat down on the bench next to Sakura, staring towards in all his confusion.

"You really wanted to see me?" he repeated quietly. "Why?"

Airi opened her eyes before turning to face the boy. A smile found its way onto her face, filling with the warmth she felt around him.

"I'm just ... so grateful to have you in my life," she confessed truthfully. "When I joined this school, I didn't think I would ever make any friends. I thought I would have to hide forever behind the mask I put on. But you made all the difference to me, Kiyotaka; you didn't judge me at all for who I am. You've shown me nothing but kindness and care. You always allow me to turn to you whenever I need someone to talk to."

Airi could feel her cheeks heartening up. They were turning as red as her hair from how much she was saying to the person sat next to her. She had wanted to tell him for a long time. Only today had the shy girl worked up the courage to let it out to Kiyotaka.

"What I really want to ask you, Ayanokōji,"

Airi paused, took a deep breath, then pushed aside her nervousness to deliver the question what she had been aching to ask Kiyotaka for a long time.

"Will you go out with me?"

Kiyotaka blinked. He was intensely taken by surprise over what Airi had requested of him. It was not something he'd been expecting at all. There was no doubt in his mind it had taken a lot for the quiet girl to work up the bravery to ask him out.

Airi tensed up fearfully. Her eyes shut as they readied her tears to start falling out. She waited for the axe to fall. There was no way Kiyotaka would accept her offer. Why would someone like him waste his precious time on a timid, shy girl like her?

A hand dropped onto Airi's shoulder, making her eyes open with surprise. Blinking back her tears, she turned to face the boy next to her, who was levelling his gaze with her own.

"Well then..." The corner's or Kiyotaka's lips curved upwards, erasing away his neutral expression as he gave the red-haired girl a genuine, friendly smile. "What are we waiting for, Airi?"

Airi gasped softly. Her eyes widened with disbelief over what she had heard. Not only had Kiyotaka accepted her request, but he had just called her by her first time. It was a sign that he obviously valued her as very important to him. Never in her wildest dreams had she believed he would want to go out with her.

Kiyotaka rose from the bench, offering his hand down to Airi as he continued to smile down at her.

With her face glowing in delight, Airi took his hand in hers. She squeezed it gently as she used her free hand to take off her glasses. She was not going to be needing them on a date with a person who accepted her for who she was. Her blue eyes twinkled softly, filled with all the overflowing happiness she was feeling.

"Let's go then..." she said, smiling back. "... Kiyotaka."

Pleased that Airi had called him by his first name in return, Kiyotaka led her away from the bench, through the school grounds and towards the off-site leisurely activities. He had not expected his evening to go like that - but he was pleased to be going on a date with the very person his hand was linked with.

The only person on campus that could bring out his true, caring, generous side - who he really did care about.

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