Shrinking Violet's Birthday

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Airi Sakura made her way quietly through the school grounds, all by herself.

The shy red-haired girl glanced all around her as her schoolmates hung out together in pairs, trios and even crowds. Not a single one of them approached her or called her over to join in with them. It was clear none of them were taking an interest in her.

Not even due to the fact that today was her birthday.

Sakura was fine with this. Being on her own was something she was perfectly used to. She had always struggled with communicating with other people and always did her best not to stand out, resulting in few of her fellow pupils taking the effort to try to get to know her.

One of the few expectations was a boy in her class, who she had really taken a shine to recently. He had been looking out for her a lot lately - and had even come to her rescue during a traumatic occasion in her life. Since he had truly come through for her when she needed him, Sakura had really tried to be more open when around this person, relishing any time she could get with him.

But she hadn't heard a thing from this boy at all today. He hadn't approached her once throughout their time in class. Not once had he said anything to her that day.

Not a single person in the school had said to Sakura the two words: "Happy birthday."

That's okay, Sakura thought to herself as she entered the dormitory building. I'm always spending day-after-day by myself. What difference does it make to spend my birthday alone?

The redhead came to a stop outside her room. She unlocked the door and pushed it open before stepping into her pitch dark living quarters.

Here we go; time to start spending my birthday all by myself, Sakura thought, closing the door behind her before flipping the light switch.


Sakura's blue eyes widened behind her glasses as a soft, astonished gasp escaped her lips.

Her lit up ceiling lamp revealed that her room had been decorated with balloons, bunting and banners. A pile of gifts wrapped up in colourful paper surrounding a small table that stood in the centre of the room. Sat on top of it with a burning candle flickering in the middle was a freshly-baked birthday cake.

Sakura ran her stunned gaze over her room, taking in all the decorations and festive items that had been placed there without her knowledge. Then her wide eyes fell onto where the voices who had shouted on her arrival had come from. The amazement in her expression rapidly increased.


In the middle of Sakura's bedroom were four of her schoolmates. All of them were gazing towards her with bright smiles. To the left of the table which held the birthday cake were Haruka Hasebe and Akito Kiyake while on the right stood Teruhiko Yukimura and Honami Ichinose.

"Wha-?" Sakura stammered. "What is this?"

"What else could it be?" Hasebe beamed brightly. "It's your birthday party, Sakura!"

"My-My birthday party?"

"Of course!" Kiyake grinned. "We couldn't let your special day go by without doing anything for you!"

"There's no way we were gonna leave you spend your birthday all alone!" Ichinose added with a friendly wink.

Sakura felt her cheeks heating up. They were turning as red as her hair. She was moved by how the people stood before her were taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate her special day. Three of them were members of the study group she was in while the forth had assisted in ending the traumatic experience she had been through.

"Y-You guys..." Sakura murmured, putting a hand onto her heart to steady the speed it was racing at. "You all arranged this...for me?"

"We sure did!" Miyake smiled and nodded. "Though the credit must go to the one who did most of the organising of all this!"


Yukimura pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "He did!"

Sakura peered towards where Yukimura was pointing - and let off another gasp of awe.

Standing at the back of the room was the very person in the school who she was closest to. He was the one who had come to her rescue when she had been attacked by a stalker. He was always offering her words of comfort and advise, assuring her that she could come to him whenever she needed help. Now here he was, inside her bedroom - having arranged a birthday party for her to surprise her with.


"Hey, Sakura." Kiyotaka Ayanokōji greeted the redhead in his usual quiet tone. He gazed towards her as expressionless as always - although he did manage to tilt his head with a bit of wonder. "I hope you're enjoying your special day."

Sakura blinked behind her glasses. She was still astounded by how a surprise party had been made for her birthday - but to hear it had all been planned by the very person who she cherished being around was something else. She gaped up in wonder at the tall boy, her hand slipping from her heart as it began to race again.

"You did all this ... for me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Ayanokōji stood before her. "Birthdays are something your friends have to get together to celebrate with you. Anyone who knows its your birthday and doesn't acknowledge it isn't a true friend."

Sakura stared up at the brunette. Then she turned slowly to face the other four people stood in her room. Hasebe, Yukimura, Kiyake and Ichnose all smiled at her. Each other of them were happy to be there, ready to celebrate the red-haired girl's birthday.

A small humble smile crossed Sakura's face. She was very grateful to have them make the effort to get together with her special day. They had shown her how wrong she was to feel that she was alone. That was not the case at all. These people truly were her friends... was the one who had taken charge in organizing her surprise party. Ayanokōji really was Sakura's special friend.

"Thank you!" Sakura cried cheerfully, glancing around at everyone in the room with a very joyful expression. "I really appreciate all you've done for me! Thank you very much, each and every one of you!"


Ayanokōji gazed wordlessly at the four people who had chorused their birthday greeting to Sakura. His expression gave nothing away about how he had used them all that day.

Once again, Kiyotaka Ayanokōji had used his schoolmates as his tools.

Tools which he had used to put together a surprise party for the birthday girl - who happened to be one of the only people in the school who he genuinely cared for. The act of acknowledging her special day had not been for any selfish needs of his. It had all been for her, since Kiyotaka Ayanokōji saw Airi Sakura not as his tool, but as his friend.

"Yeah," he added. "Happy birthday, Sakura."

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