Sudo's Dilemma : 1

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Ken Sudo never considered himself much of a thinking man . As much as he hated being called dumb , stupid or an idiot , even he had the humility to admit that he certainly wasn't the brightest bulb or the sharpest knife in the drawer . Considering the cruel fact , that he pretty much flunked the first test and he only managed to barely pass the second because Horikita was kind enough to lend him , her notes to help him study better .

Which was why , he was in his current dilemma . And that dilemma was named Horikita .

She had saved his ass more than once . When he flunked on one of his subjects in the second test and almost got expelled for it . And when the punks from Class C lodged a false report against him , saying he beat them up , she somehow got them to drop the complaint . Sudo had come to respect and appreciate Horikita both as a classmate and as a person . Initially , he had a ... very bad opinion of her , believing her to be some stuck up cold hearted bitch who thought way too highly of herself and only cared about herself in the grand scheme of things

But it would seem that time spent in Class D has mellowed them both out . Sudo and Horikita have become much more comfortable and even friendly around each other ( If one goes by Horikita's definition of friendly ) , to the point where some may even call them , friends .

Sudo had to admit it , he may have a ... small crush on Horikita .

It was stupid to think about , he had never really had a crush on anyone before , he always thought that love struck losers and saps were the only types to get crushes on people and yet ... here he is now in high school crushing on a girl .

Sudo knew what he wanted to do , ask Horikita out on a date .

The only problem was ... he had no idea how to do it !

He had never been in love before , much less confess to a girl about his love and ask her out on a date . The fact of the matter , is that he was completely inexperienced in this area of life .

But that wasn't the only problem he had , Horikita ... Suzune was way out of his league . In fact , she was probably in a league of her own ! She was smart , beautiful , kind when she needed to be and caring for others in her own special way .

Sudo had to admit it ...Horikita was too good for him .

Sudo grit his teeth and push the feelings of doubt away , this was no time to be getting cold feet ! Now he needed to focus and come up with a plan !

Reaching for his phone , he started calling up the whole crew to assemble to deal with the dilemma at hand .

Operation : Ask Horikita Out is a go !

In the span of less than half an hour , Sudo managed to assemble his most trusted friends and classmates in his dorm room . The 5 of whom being Ike , Yamauchi , Hirata , Yukimura and Kiyotaka . Of course , there were on the side reasons for why he called each of them . He needed Ike and Yamauchi there to get a third party opinion , while they themselves didn't have the best taste in women , it was the best Sudo could get . Hirata was there for his obvious relationship advice , as he had been in one with Kei until after the Cruise test . Finally Kiyotaka was there , because Sudo wanted a thinking man's opinion , Kiyotaka was smart like that , he was always thinking about how to solve a problem or get around an issue .

Sudo felt a bit proud of himself , he had assembled the perfect team to get advice from .

" So uh ... Sudo ? What are we doing here exactly ?" Hirata asks , scratching the back of his head .

" Yeah , me and Yamauchi were busy playing a game in my room when you called man , what's the emergency ?" Ike says from his seat on the floor of Sudo's room .

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