New Obstacle

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The sky was clear blue today, not a cloud in sight. A gentle breeze flowed through the air as the trees rustled in tune. Birds chirped in the distance without a care in the world. The wasn't sweltering, nor was the air too brisk. It could be described as the perfect day.

Except it wasn't, for one person.

Sitting on a park bench, separated from the hustle and bustle of nearby students, was Honami Ichinose. Still as a statue, face stoic, she had a vigil to keep. For today was not just a remarkable day, it was also unusual. Unprecedented, even. And such an anomaly centered on two people.

Kiyotaka, and her own sister.

It didn't take long for her sister to latch onto Honami; merely a day after the school year began. That was to be expected. What was unexpected was her interest in the normally silent boy, the one who had saved Honami from her own despair. The one who had given her a newfound purpose, a light within the darkness. The one who had just bought a matching pair of wristbands.


Seeing her sister smiling so brightly, filled with so much life and joy would normally make Honami proud. Happy that she had made a friend so fast. But today such a feeling was missing. Instead, her chest tightened. She felt sick after every laugh heard and when Kiyotaka spoke it almost felt like Honami was being replaced. Her heart was heavy with anxiety.

The feeling was reminiscent of what she had felt the previous year, with that other girl. Yet this felt more personal. Much more personal. As if it was akin to a betrayal. Was it Kiyotaka, the one who she had relied on these past couple years who caused this? Or was it... her own sister?

It really didn't matter, either way. What did matter was that there was an obstacle in Honami's way, one that made her heart quiver with shame.

Perhaps it was a test from the world. A test to see how much she had grown over last year, to see how far she was willing to go. Did she have the strength to push on, despite what lied on the road ahead? Was she truly ready?

Just another person in the way.

The two had inadvertently met while Honami had been speaking to the boy, her sister having interrupted their conversation. Honami didn't think much of their interaction then, but now she had some regrets. To waver in the face of a challenge would do her no good, and wavered she did. But there was no use in crying over mistakes.

What she needed was to step up and refuse to back down. Not after coming this far, not after having gained so much. Last year’s trials had nearly overwhelmed her, but Honami came out of it stronger than ever. Now, as she reached her third year, was she going to falter? After everything? No… she was not going to falter or fail. She knew what she had to do, and she would find the strength within her to do it.

Because Honami knew what was hers, and nobody was going to get in her way.

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