Sudo's dilemma : 2

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Yukimura's idea

Sudo took a sip of his coffee as he waited behind the dormitories , as per Yukimura's instructions . Sudo was honestly starting to get tired from this op , it had been exceptionally tiring both mentally and emotionally for him . Physical shit , he could handle , but his own emotions ?

That was a whole different ballgame for him .

It was Yukimura's turn to try out his idea , Sudo will admit that it was kinda difficult to keep Yukimura on the team . But he needed a thinking type of man , and Yukimura was one of the best he was going to get out of his class . He'll admit that Yukimura wasn't his first choice , but after hearing how he worked together with Kiyotaka during the special exam on the cruise , Sudo decided that Yukimura could be trusted .

And so , that brings us to today . It had been about 3 days since the failure that was the library incident , where Hirata's plan almost worked but was foiled by third wheeler Kushida . Sudo held no ill will towards either Kushida or Hirata , it was just by pure bad luck that things went down the way they did .

No use bitching over spilled milk , is what his piece of shit father used to tell him .

Sudo's face twist in anger crushing his coffee cup as he did so , just thinking about his dad spoils his mood .

His father was a shameless janitor who did literally nothing with his life , he didn't go to college and never got his high school diploma , so it was natural that he didn't make it very far in life . Sudo's mother ... who left him when he was just a young boy , left out of the blue without so much as a goodbye to him , after she scored big with some pimp with a gold cane . Bitch .

Sudo will admit it , both of his parents were trash and complete wastes of life and oxygen . They both did nothing with their lives , hell Sudo was convinced that they had him by accident , considering his mom was a ... painted lady , it wasn't that hard for even a dumbass like him to put two and two together .

' And that's exactly why you think you don't deserve her , right ? Because your parents came from nothing and you yourself have nothing to offer . ' A voice in Sudo's head said to him , and he couldn't deny it . ' Face it Sudo . Suzune deserves better than you '

" Shut up ..." Sudo said to no one in particular .

' Oh , very mature . I'm sure that sparkling personality will impress her , so long as you can still get a job working as a trashman '

" Shut ..."

' Oh, hey ! How about a janitor ? '

" SHUT UP ! " Sudo suddenly yelled out , if anybody were to see him now , they would probably think he's crazy .

" Ken ?" A soft voice , cut off his internal struggle . Sudo turns to see Suzune standing there , with a rare confused expression on her face .

' Good job jackass , now she thinks you're crazy too ' The voice in his head mocked him .

" Suzune ? What are you doing here ?" Sudo asked . Yukimura didn't actually give him many details about the plan , just told him to come to behind the dormitories . Looking back on it , he probably should have asked for more details .

" Yukimura sent me a text telling me to go behind the dormitories and that it was important " Suzune eyed Sudo suspiciously . " And here you are ..."

' This is Yukimura's plan ? A frontal and straightforward assault ? ' Sudo thought in his head , he honestly expected better . No point complaining about it now .

Suzune took a step forward " You've been acting strange this month , first when we were cleaning and then that time in the library and now when Yukimura told me to come here "

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