Classroom of The Elite D Class SS :2

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When the sun rises, I still remember what happened yesterday. Even thought it was tribble, but it was not too bad either. However, if this way continued from day to day, it surely will be bad… for me. After I got back to the dorm, I have been contacting Karuizawa since then, but until now there is no reply yet. I don't know if Karuizawa ignore my e-mail or not. There's also a possibility Karuizawa is under surveillance or trying to lock me down.

Well, there is nothing comes up if I think about it. Let's end here, while I will check that latter. For now, I went to school early in the morning. Leaving my room and start descending on elevator. I don't know why but I do feeling discomfort, that feeling is surely…. exist. Then that existence comes from next floor, thus said something on me.

"Huh? Please take me on the lobby, Elevator Boy-kun"

I wanted to say something about that, but I refrain before I jump into his pace.

"Do you want to walk Kouenji?"

"Walk… at least call it strolling"

Again, this guy really likes to say something weird like that.

"I see… I don't want to disturb your 'walking time' then I will excuse myself"

"Hmm, Beautiful…..."

I don't want any troublesome matter again, I leave the elevator while Kouenji looking at himself on the elevator's mirror. I drag my feet into school directions.

"Hm? Well this was unexpected….."

While looking at the school distance, I didn't realize there is someone who walk beside me. That person is Horikita's Brother and the former Student Council President.

Horikita's Brother lit his face and trying to fix his glasses.

"You sure early today"

"No, I thought it will be nice once in a while"

"Well, yesterday you surely have it tough too huh?"

"What do you mean? Do you know something?"

"Anyone will notice if you run like that"

"Did you see it?"

"By chance, actually"

"Then, do you know what really happened?"

"I don't know the what really happened, but I do know why B Class year 1 Honami Ichinose looking for Chabashira-sensei"

"Can I ask the detail?"

"Sure, but I want you to do something for me…..."

Horikita pov

My name is Suzune Horikita, D Class year 1. I was here the tribble and the lowest class, or lump of failure student. At first, I didn't understand why someone like me placed here. But, that kind of thinking is crushed entirely with a certain existence called Kiyotaka Ayanokouji who trampling what I have been lived until now. His action, abilities, and behavior were clearly different from the others.

Yes, it was my first time to see something like his type. Never use his abilities, even though other people mocking him somehow, he doesn't deny it. As if he was that kind of untalented person, yet if he use his talent….. it was overwhelming. That talent was also recognized by my brother and invited him to become student council member. To me, all about him is enigmatic… an undeniable existence. The only one who noticed me to have a 'comrade'.

When I can't do anything alone, he always appears "If you can't fight alone, then you must have someone to fight with you. I'll lend you a hand" at that time when he said that to me. When I was tattered, the time I can't even go forward, he taught me the direction.

And now….. No, somehow when I was thinking of him, I remember my past self. It's a bit frustrating, but I can't deny it. At least this time we need strategies and more people. In the first place, a human called Kiyotaka Ayanokouji have never been showing any emotion as much. What should I do to draw his emotion?

"Then I leave it to you, please contact me latter"

This voice? Nii-san?

When I was walking across to the school, I have heard Nii-san voice. Did he was talking with someone?

"Yeah, I will contact you later at noon"

Ayanokouji-kun? Why were two of them in the place like this? Don't tell me he has found out our plan? Or they want to investigate something?

"But, well, are you really given up on reaching A Class?"

"Yeah, there is no need me to do that"

Huh? What did he say?

"I see…. Well, is this what you mean 'want to live as an ordinary student life'?"

No way, Ayanokouji-kun will not aim for A Class anymore.

"I want to ask you something"


"Why me? Are you still doesn't trust your sister?"

Huh? Nii-san… still doesn't… trust me?


Ugh! I can't hear it anymore. I want Nii-san recognizing me, that's why I will climb to A Class. But now…


When I notice it, I was already in the school. Because the weather was still cold, only my face is full of sweat.

After ten minutes, I was just looking at the front blankly. Suddenly the sound of opened door echoes through my ears, someone I familiarly known comes and said.

"You are early"

"Yours too, I didn't expect you to come early"

"No, sometimes"

Lie, liars, I can't believe you can lie on that kind of face.

"Can you stop it already? I don't know what your plan, but I do not plan to run everyday"

As he walks and come here, he sat down beside me.

"I know. I already understood clearly yesterday, I do not want to do something meaningless"

"Then good….."

There goes his habit who always ending the conversation without anything to talk.

Those quiet eyes and face, he doesn't want to tell me about a little while ago? Why? That kind of question pop up from my head.

"Do you have something in your mind for me?"

"N, no, its nothing"

"Then your gaze, can you do something about it?"

"W, what kind of gaze are you meaning? It's only your imagination"

Why I become like this because of this guy?

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