Forbidden Compassion

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In this Ayanokoji au will be little

The sun was sinking over Advanced Nurturing High School, indicating the end of a long difficult day for the students. Having just completed the last of their classes, the pupils were now free to spend the evening how they wished. Some were retiring to their dormitories while others were grouping up to hang out together. Whatever they chose to do for the remainder of the day, they were have to be cautious when it came to using up their points.

One student was all by himself in the school grounds. He was sitting alone on one of the benches, observing the students who walked by.

As always, the expression on Kiyotaka Ayanōkoji's face gave nothing away. There was no emotion in his golden-coloured eyes as he watched his schoolmates going about their business. He was used to being ignored and having no one to spend their time with him.

He didn't mind if his school mates didn't see him as their friend.

After all, he only ever viewed his peers as his tools.

If any of the pupils walking nearby knew what was going through the head of the lone boy they were passing, they would have been completely mortified.

Ayanōkoji closed his golden eyes, thinking back to his childhood that had shaped him up into the sort of person he had become.

"Get up, Kiyotaka! Get up now!"

Wearily, Ayanōkoji opened his eyes, finding himself once again surrounded by the blinding walls of the White Room.

He shuddered at the sound of the voice which had snapped at him. He knew only too well the strict, aggressive tones of his father. The small boy tried to keep his cool as he struggled to his hands and knees, attempting to lift himself off the floor.

"I gave you an order, Kiyotaka!" his father bellowed impatiently. "Do it now!"

"I heard you, Father..." The seven-year old answered in a tiny voice. "I'm getting up like you wanted..."

"You're not fast enough!" The head of the White Room clipped his young son around the head. "The world won't come to a stop just for you to take your time! You've gotta be quick on your feet to make it through the life ahead of you."

Ayanōkoji managed to pick himself up to stand before his father. He rubbed the spot where he had been struck around the head, but gave off no emotion from the pain delivered to him.

"You are to carry out the trail ahead of you!"

"Another trial?" The small boy uttered in disbelief over his father's orders. "But I've already done six hard trials today, Father..."

"And the ones you are expected to complete by the end of the day will be just as tough!"

The professor's eyes narrowed. "Don't think for a minute, boy, that I'm going to let you have it easy and give you special treatment just because you're my son!"

Ayanōkoji nodded. He had become accoustmed to his father putting him through such daunting and exhausting tasks. He had hardly shown his son any signs of love in the White Room, let alone favouritism over the other young subjects.

It was at that moment when he noticed several of the other children who were being raised in the lab with him. He narrowed his eyes to get a closer look at them. It was clear they had been through the same trails he was going through. The states they were in was a clear sign of that. All of the other youngsters looked as exhausted as he did. A few of them were clearly very unwell - and one of them appeared on the brink of death.

"Go on, Kiyotaka!" his father demanded. "Get to your trail zone!"

"But, Father..." Ayanōkoji raised a small hand to point to the other children. "Those other kids don't look so good..."

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