No need to be alone

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Airi Sakura stood quietly in the shadows, watching her many schoolmates through her glasses.

The shy, timid girl observed the students of the Advanced Neutering High School. Not a single one was on their own. All of them were in the company of other pupils who they could clearly call their friends. They were talking loudly and laughing happily as they went off to do their after-classes businesses for the evening. Whether they were going to one of the school's facilities or just hang out in the dormitories, they were to spend their evening in some company.

Unlike Sakura, who had nobody to hang out with.

The redhead's eyes glistened through the lenses of her glasses. They were filled with a feeling of loneliness. The one thing she wanted more than anything at this school was to make friends. It was her fear of people she didn't know which stood in her way. Sakura had no idea how to approach others and strike up a conversation. That was why she spent so much of her time at the academy hiding in the background.

As the sun descended slowly from the sky, the shadows which filled the school grounds darkened. They loomed over the lonesome shy girl as she prepared to step out of them. It appeared she was going to spend another evening by herself - just like every other night she spent here without socialising with others.


Hearing her name being called made Sakura jump with surprise. Her body tensed up as she froze before turning to see who had spoken to her - and her gaze softened upon finding out.

Kiyotaka Ayanoköji was standing behind the quiet girl. He had joined her in the shadows she had been lurking before her. The tall boy gazed down at her with the same blank look he always wore. His yellow eyes seemed to glow in the evening light.

"A... A... Ayanoköji?!" Sakura stuttered meekly.

"What are you found here all by yourself?" Ayanoköji asked.

"Well, I..."

Sakura paused. She let all the tension in her body slip away as she relaxed. Although afraid to speak to most of her schoolmates, Ayanoköji was the exception. He had shown her nothing but kindness since they had first become aquatinted. She had no reason to fear him at all.

"I don't know how to talk to the other kids..." Sakura confessed. "I know that sounds weird."

"No, it doesn't sound weird at all," Ayanoköji said truthfully. "You've always had trouble approaching others, haven't you?"

"Yeah." Sakura nodded. "I hate being so shy."

Ayanoköji stared down at the short girl. His expression remained as blank as ever, but his mind was clearly active. Whatever was going through the mysterious boy's head, his face face nothing away.

"Is making friends with the other kids something you want?" he asked after a moment.

"I'd like to..." Sakura lowered her gaze. "But I really don't see that happening. I guess I'm always gonna spend my school life here alone."

"No you won't - because I'm gonna help you make friends."

Sakura let off a soft gasp. She peered up at Ayanoköji as her eyes widened behind her glasses. She was astonished to hear that the boy was going to help her befriend her schoolmates.

"Oh, y-you don't have to do that!" she stammered. "I don't want to be a burden to you."

"You're not a burden to me. You're gonna be in this school for the next three years. It's important to make friends here. Especially for a sweet person like you who could easily make plenty of friends."

Sakura's cheeks turned as red as her hair. Her heart raced inside her chest over the way Ayanoköji had described her. She gazed in astonishment at the boy who did not want to see her spend her school life all alone.

"Are you sure you don't mind helping me, Ayanoköji?"

"Absolutely not," the brunette answered truthfully. I understand how hard it can be to make friends when you're a shy person. That's why I'm gonna take it upon myself to help you and show the other kids around here how worthy you are to have around."

Sakura's face lit up within the shadows. A smile found its way onto her gaze which she directed at Ayanoköji. She was so grateful to him being unwilling to let her spend her time at the Advanced Neutering High School all on her own without a single friend. He truly was someone she could depend on here.

"Thank you!" she said jubilantly. "Thank you, Ayanoköji!"

The boy's yellow eyes took in the change of mood in the young girl. It was amazing how much of a difference it made to see her smile. He was more than prepared to help her gain the friends she deserved at this school. After all, she was the one schoolmate of his who Ayanoköji had no intention of using as his tool.

"Well?" he said, offering a hand. "Ready to go make some friends?"

Sakura looked at the hand behind held out to her. Her blue eyes were still twinkling as she took off her glasses. The bright smile remained on her face as she directed it to the boy, taking his hand in her own.

"Mhm!" She nodded. "Ready, Ayanoköji!"

Holding Sakura's hand securely, Ayanoköji led her out of the shadows and into the evening light. He remained by the sweet girl's side as he took her across the academy's grounds. Keeping close to her, he directed her towards their mingling schoolmates - filled with determination to help her become friends with them all.

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