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A few years ago...

"I can't believe it!" Their mother squealed, clapping her hands, "My babies are graduating!"

"It's only highschool, mom." Dixon grinned, shrugging.

"It doesn't matter! I am so proud of you both." She started fidgeting with his robe, trying to keep his stole straight as he tried to keep her off, "This only happens once you know!"

"There's college graduation too, mom." Cassie froze once the words left her mouth, but to her mother's credit she didn't falter.

"And I'm sure your father will love to embarrass you when that day comes." Their mother turned to Cassie, whose eyes were welling up with tears, "Oh, Cassiopea, darling...please don't cry."

"I'm sorry." She sniffled, "I'm being silly."

"You're not being silly, darling." Her mother brushed a tear from under her eye gingerly, before grabbing her children's hands, "Just because I won't be there in person does not mean I am not going to be with you every step of the way. I'll be at your graduation...your weddings...the births of your children!"

"Yeah." Dixon smiled, though it seemed strained, "We'll never be without you."

"You know where to find me." Their mother winked, nodding her head upwards, "I'm always in the stars."

That conversation stuck with the pair, coming to mind six months later as they stood in front of the casket being lowered into the ground. Even though they knew that the day was coming, it didn't make it any less difficult as they said their final goodbyes. The headstone had been their father's idea, something he said came to him in a dream the week before.

Lilian DeLuca

Beloved wife, mother and friend.


"Forever in the stars"

Don't Stand By Me (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora