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August 6th: 12:23

After staying the night in some horrific motel near the front of town, we rose bright and early to camp out in Kelly's Diner, which had not changed at all in the two years since I had been there. It was a charming town, small and a bit backwards, but welcoming all the same. In the four hours we had been there I managed to drink at least six cups of coffee and two stacks of pancakes. Cassie had been oddly talkative, filling the tense silence with random anecdotes about Dixon which were - while endearing - only adding to my fears for his life. I hated to admit it, but I missed him a lot. I missed just the peaceful energy of him by my side, making random comments quietly into my ear whenever someone did something stupid, which with these people was quite a lot.

It had even been a struggle to get to sleep the night before, in a stiff single bed with Cassie snoring softly nearby. I had grown used to falling asleep with Dixon wrapped around me, muttering in his sleep and leaving sleepy kisses along my collarbone. I had somehow become completely whipped in such a short space of time. But I refused to think negatively about the entire situation, as unlike me as that was. Dixon, with his endless supply of love and optimism, made it difficult for me to remain a pessimist.

"You know he talks about you constantly." Cassie said slyly over the rim of her coffee mug.

"Really? Kiara talks a lot about you herself."

"Interesting." She hummed, attempting to look nonchalant but she really just looked like a deer in headlights.

"You're so whipped." We said at the same time, "Hey!"

We burst into a fit of laughter, Cassie putting her coffee down so her shaky hands wouldn't spill it all over herself.

"How long are we gonna wait here, El?" She said suddenly somberly, "What if she never comes?"

"She will." I said certainly, "Don't you have that like twin telepathy? Can't you just lure him here?"

"Haha." She said dryly, "You're so...Violet!"

"Wha-" I turned my head to see where she was looking to see Violet and Fitz enter the diner, hand in hand.

I leapt out of my seat, ignoring the confused looks being sent my way and bounded across the room, throwing my arms around Violet and holding her tightly. Her arms wrapped around me as she giggled into my ear, gripping me harder than she ever had.

"Thank fuck you're alive!" I breathed, planting a kiss in her hair, "I was so scared you weren't coming."

"And leave you to have all the fun? Please." She laughed, "I can't believe you're here! How did you even end up here?"

"I was hoping you'd come here if you were in town." I pulled away and smiled, holding out a hand to 'Fitz' aka the FBI agent, "Elvis, nice to meet you."

"Fitz, likewise."

I grinned at Violet, "So, where's Dixon?" I bounced on the balls of my feet, glancing over her shoulder in anticipation of him opening the door.

Violet's face fell, "El-"

"No." I shook my head, "No. Do not tell me right now that they have him."


A broken sob over my shoulder jolted me to reality, glancing over to see Cassie with a hand clapped over her mouth, shaking her head rapidly.

"You did not lose him!" I took a step back towards Cassie, wrapping an arm around her shoulder comfortingly, "You tell me right now you did not lose my boyfriend to the fucking mob!"

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