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July 30th; 23:49

I took a long drag of the smoke in my hand, holding it in my chest before passing it to Violet, who was deep in conversation with Cassie, something about college I was too out of it to pay attention to. Also my eyes were just fixed to Cassie's face; her soft, pretty, heart shaped face...I really did not know where these sappy thoughts were coming from, I never thought of girls like that. Maybe Violet had spiked my beer as revenge for making fun of her and Brent on the drive up. Well, making fun of Brent mostly, I knew better than to poke fun at Violet.

It was always good thoughts when it came to Violet. If Elvis was my supposed platonic soulmate, she was my other half. As much as I ribbed her, I knew I'd do anything for her and she would do the same for me. I was feeling a lot of guilt about leaving her behind and more than that I would just miss her so damn much. I knew she would understand, I mean, I was offered an insane opportunity to intern with the Italian Bureau. I could witness a real life mob family, who could turn that down? She would be so happy for me, but the thought of saying it out loud, making it real? That was too much for me to handle.

If anything, the only reason she would be mad at me now was because I had hidden it from her. But I would cross that bridge when I came to it, unless Brent decided to rat me out before then.

"So..." Brent drawled, breaking into my reverie. I tensed at the thought of whatever he was going to say, "We don't have to hate each other, you know."

"Don't we?" I mused, not turning to face him.

"I'm serious, we're more alike than you think."

"What makes you think that?" I couldn't help it, I was intrigued by his statement. I turned to face him, arms crossed.

"We both care for Violet deeply, despite having secrets that will greatly hurt her. Though mine is worse!" He said quickly, clearly sensing I was going to interrupt him, "But you realise, I grew up very similarly to you."

I froze.

"Really?" I spoke delicately, "How so?"

"Violet got insanely drunk a few weeks back, spewed your entire origin story to me."

A feeling akin to rage settled under my skin, but I fought it. My brain couldn't help but flash back to moments from my past, brief, fleeting moments that made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

"Come on, pussy!"

The chortling and screaming of the other teens around me made my skin crawl. There were at least a dozen of them, yelling and shoving each other around. Only one of them was actually focused on me, the biggest of them all, Mark.

"Do it, before I break your face, newbie!"

Tears pooled in my eyes and for the twentieth time today, I missed my parents. They would never have let this happen to me. I glanced down at the bottle in my hand, the cloth hanging out of the top of it. I really didn't think I had it in me to throw it, but the thought of Mark coming near me had my shaky hand reaching into my pocket for the lighter one of the smaller girls had slipped in earlier. My hand trembled as I tried and failed multiple times to flick the lighter. Mark's taunts only served to make my hand shake more.

"You have ten seconds before I come over there and light you up instead! Ten!"

I couldn't do it.


I was good! I was a good kid! Not a criminal.

"Eight!" More people joined in on the chant.

Don't Stand By Me (COMPLETE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora