186 35 4


August 4th: 09:08

August 4th, 09:08 - Fitz: don't beat yourself up so much. You have a right to be upset

"Hey...can we talk?"

"I'm shocked you even want to associate with me." I snorted, voice muffled by the pillow my face was buried in, "Surprised you don't want to burn the witch."

"Are you going to be a bitch or are you going to act like an adult and have a real conversation with me."

Her words hit something uncomfortable within me, disliking the implication that I was immature or a child. I was an adult! Obviously. I sat up, scooting back against the pillows and patting the empty space beside me. Pearl gave me a soft smile, sitting down next to me, leaving a good bit of distance between us.

"Nobody hates you, if that's what you're thinking."

"It sure seems like they do."

"People can point out your flaws without hating you."

"Seems like a lot of flaws."

"It is." Pearl conceded, "But we all have them. Elvis talks down to everyone, is unnecessarily rude and speaks without thinking. Brent is crass and can't express his feelings. Dixon is a pushover and a follower, Cassie has her head so far up Kiara's ass it's making her blind and Kiara...well she's probably the most put together of you all, but she's still emotionally held off."

" sure like to analyse people, huh?"

"I wanted to study psychology...once upon a time." She looked into the distance wistfully, "I'm not as dumb as you think."

"So what's your flaws?"

"I'm a bit of a bitch, for one. I'm spoiled, I like things a certain way. Very quick to tears. The list is endless really."

"At least you're honest."

"It's one of my favourite traits about myself." She smiled, "But I want to get to know you, Violet. I see a lot of myself in you."

"You're way less...valley girl right now."

Pearl shrugged, "Maybe I'm just comfortable with you now. Don't get me wrong, I like how I am, that's not changing, but I can be serious too."

"I get that." I nodded, "Thank you. I'm sorry for storming off."

"It's not me you have to apologise to." She gave me a pointed look.

I sighed, flopping back onto the pillows and staring at the ceiling, "I know. I will. I know I overreacted but I felt so attacked and cornered-"

"Girl, I get it. It's okay."

The layer of tension in my shoulders finally released and I exhaled. The entirety of this trip I had focused on my own problems, not even realising that everyone else was in the same boat, and some of them even worse off. It wasn't fair. And I realised that now.

"Thank you." I smiled, which quickly formed into a smirk, "You and Brent seem close."

She flushed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on, you're the only person who's managed to make him smile it seems."

"Shut up, that's so not true!" She giggled, shoving my shoulder.

"Come on, spill!"

"We're just...talking. It's nice. He doesn't want anything from me. We just talk. It's nice getting to know him, he's a good guy. Even Charles, he killed him to save you."

Don't Stand By Me (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon