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August 1st: 12:14

I wanted to punch this bitch in the face. I was well aware that was a disgusting and misogynistic thought to have and I would never actually do it, but I couldn't help the intrusive thoughts pounding at my brain as she hopped out of her stupid white Cadillac looking like a Jersey Shore reject, though much prettier to be fair. She beamed bright and wide, looking like some sort of Barbie doll as she jumped from her car, practically strutting towards us. It was a haunting vision of Violet from all those years ago, airheaded and cruel.

"You look like you could use a shower, sweetie." She cooed, patting Kiara's cheek as she passed.

Kiara clenched her jaw and followed her with her eyes.

"Charlie? Where are you baby? Why are you in this hovel? Is this a crack den?"

"I am going to slit her throat." Kiara growled under her breath, taking a step towards the RV, Cassie right behind, clutching her hand tightly.

"What's your big plan?" I hissed, "Lock her in there?"

"Yep." She shrugged, walking into the RV and slamming the door behind them.

Dixon and I stood, giving each other a wide eyed glance and running into the RV before Kiara could lock the door. Once inside, Kiara bolted the door and turned to the girl who was standing in the middle of the room, hand on her cocked hip.


"About that..." Kiara moved away from the rest of us, taking a step towards Pearl, "He's not here."

"Where is he?"

"He's dead."

My eyes bulged from my head, "Christ, Kiara, way to sugar coat it."

"He's what?" Pearl shrieked, "Murderers! Drug dealing, crack den murderers! Police! FBI! Oprah! Help m-mmf!"

"Kiara what the fuck are you doing?"

Kiara was currently wrestling the smaller girl to the ground, shoving an old sock tightly in her mouth. Pearl lay on the ground, sock in her mouth, unmoving. Her eyes were darting around the room erratically, as if planning an escape route.

"Kiara, let me talk to her." Dixon knelt beside the pair, reaching out to touch Pearl's arm gently, "Hi, my name is Dixon. This is my sister, Cassie. These are our...friends...Elvis and Kiara."

"Give her our social securities while you're at it." I muttered, only to be ignored.

"Now. We aren't going to hurt you. We are not murderers. Charles tried to kill us, so really it was self defence. We are just going to keep you with us for a little bit, then set you free. Alright?"

Pearl nodded.

"So you are not gonna scream if I take this sock out?"

Pearl nodded enthusiastically.

Dixon smirked at us all, "See what happens if you show a little compassion? She's a human being."

Kiara removed herself from her position hovering over Pearl, gesturing for Dixon to take the sock out of Pearl's mouth, while swiftly moving away from the other girl. Dixon smiled widely at the girl, leaning out to pull the sock from her mouth. She sat up slowly, blinking rapidly and glancing around the room. She looked at us, giving us a small smile.


Dixon had unceremoniously shoved the sock back into her mouth with a raised eyebrow. He turned around to our amused expressions and shrugged bashfully, eyes twinkling.

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