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August 2nd: 10.00

"Get up. Get up. Get up!"

I bolted upright, smacking my head off of the hard surface above me, groaning out loud. As did the surface.


"Jesus, Ki!" Elvis rubbed his forehead as I opened my eyes, wincing, "Be careful!"

"Don't scream in a sleeping person's face, you psychopath." I muttered, blinking rapidly as the bright light flooded in, "What do you want? Where's Cassie?"

"You and your one track mind." Elvis poked my nose before flopping back on the bed next to me, "She is currently out there baking a cake. A cake."

"Why?" I mumbled, still not fully awake and not willing to keep my eyes open. I bundled into Elvis' side, burrowing my face in his chest.

"It's Dixon's birthday."

"Ohhhh." Now his stress made sense.

"What am I supposed to do? What do I get him?" His heart raced against my chin.

"El, you've known him for three days. Give him a blowjob and call it a day."


"What?" I groaned, finally opening my eyes as I realised there was no chance in me getting back to sleep at that point.

I sat up to see Elvis fidgeting with his hands, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Oh you like him." I crooned, "Like like like him!"

"Shut up!" He flushed, "I just...we should do something nice for him, right? Considering what we've dragged him into. I just don't know what."

"Hmmm..." I scooted back against the headboard and brought my knees to my chest, "Why don't we do something outside of this RV? For a sight-seeing trip we have done nothing outside of this tin can."

"I don't know if you've forgotten the Charles Price of it all but...stopping entirely probably isn't the best idea."

"I know but we're so close to the Canyon a full day's drive maximum. We could afford one night off to celebrate with him. Might boost all of our morale a little...things are a bit tense here."

"You mean how Cassie is ignoring you?"

"So you have noticed."

"There's seven of us crammed into what is essentially an apartment. I've noticed every time Brent has burped."

"It's weird...isn't it?"

"Super. But what better way to break the ice than a night on the town!"

"Where even are we?"


I scrunched my nose, "Oklahoma's gay, right?"

"The musical seems gay. It's probably a safe bet. Is it really the best idea to stop moving, though?"

"We're making good time. We can hide the RV somewhere." My eyes widened, "Pearl's father."

"What about him?" Elvis frowned, shifting his weight to turn and look at me.

"We send him a text from her phone, saying that she's off somewhere with Charles. Throw them off the scent a little. That'll give us some time."

"Pearl did say Charles tends to do this a lot." Elvis said thoughtfully, "We could say he's in Miami with Pearl. That'll give us enough time to get some distance between anyone looking. Except maybe FBI?"

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