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A few days ago...

"Are you two sure this is a good idea?" Their father prodded, slamming the trunk shut and folding his arms, "It's a dangerous world out there."

"And we have to learn to live in it dad!" Cassie pleaded, "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Their father sighed, his body slumping, "It won't be the same without you both here."

"We'll be back dad, it's just a few weeks!" Dixon beamed, clapping his dad on the shoulder.

"I just worry about you both. Please be careful." Their father pulled them both into a tight hug, "I love you both."

"Love you, dad." They chorused, each planting a kiss on one of his cheeks and grinning as he shook his head affectionately.

"Go on, before I change my mind. Don't do anything stupid - or anyone!"

"Dad!" Cassie squealed, "Gross."

They bantered back and forth before finally climbing into the car and Cassie stared wistfully at her father from the passenger's seat, waving gently to him as they pulled out of the driveway.

"This is it, Cass." Dixon exhaled, hands tight on the wheel, "We're grownups now."

"Speak for yourself." Cassie snorted but felt the ache in her heart only grow as their father became a speck in the distance.

She knew, as did Dixon, that this was the start of the rest of their lives. Wherever it would lead them, she had no clue. But the knowledge was terrifying, horrifying, saddening...yet it was everything. The world was at their feet, if only they could figure out what to do with it. Never again would they all be curled up on a Tuesday night watching Wheel of Fortune while their father shouted wrong guesses, before passing out on the couch and waking up an hour later, grumbling that they had school in the morning. Never again would they have early morning breakfasts on a Sunday before going for a walk in the dog park. If only she knew that the last time would have been the last time, she would have taken a few more moments to absorb it, to live in the moment properly.

"Hey, are you okay?"

" heart is sad." Cassie said simply, as if that explained everything.

But to Dixon, of course it did.

"Mine too."

They drove in silence as the sun set behind them, the only sound in the car being an old pop song playing quietly from the tinny radio. Eventually, Dixon yawned, switching the headlights on full blast and glancing at Cassie out of the corner of his eye.

"It's getting late...should we find a place to stay?"

Cassie nodded, looking up and noting a sign in the distance, "Look...Good Times RV Camp, three miles."

"Shall we?"

"Sure...what's the worst that could happen?"

"Friday the 13th...The Burning-"

"Shut up. Next exit."

"Yes, m'am!"

The camp itself was nondescript enough; a weirdly chipper parking attendant who sent them towards Lot J, where they parked up before walking side by side towards a bonfire that was blazing way too hot for Cassie's anxiety to handle. But, with a lukewarm beer in her hand and Dixon by her side she ignored it, glancing around the camp grounds with a curious gaze.

Until her eyes locked with someone across the fire.

Cassie audibly gulped as dark green eyes shone across the grounds, steady on hers as her heart did its best to escape from her chest and leap into the other girl's arms. There was a moment where she was frozen in time, unable to look away as her brain screamed at her to go talk to the other girl.

Thankfully, the other girl did the job for her, coming over and introducing herself. Cassie already knew, as she could no longer feel her heart thudding in her chest, that it had left and surrendered itself to the girl next to her.


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