♡~flirty ish?~♡

472 6 4

Y/n: your name

This chapter contains:

Flirty y/n





Y/n is human and she will be running away from the golden guard (hunter)

Unknown - boiling

Spring - slighty cloudy

5:23 pm

Y/n pov

"Nah bro fuck off!" I yelled as I jumped over a tree log on the ground.

"Get back here!!" He yelled after me, and tripped over the log causing him to roll into me, and we both rolled down a hill.

"Agh tf?" I said and rubbed my eyes to see the gg laying on me "uhm you like being top?" I said and smirked as I watched him get off of me.

"Damn under your mask your kinda hot" I smirked and saw as his face turned a crimson red.

"H-hey uhm" he cleared his throat.

"Your coming with me" he said and stood up and dusted his clothes off.

"And if I don't what you gonna do darling?" I said, and watched as a blush grew across his face.

"D-darling?!" He said confused as he blushed more, making his face turn a light pink ish color.

"Yeah darling you have something better" I spoke and smirked.

"Uhm..erm" he looked around.

"Yup" I stated, then leaned against a tree by me.

He just gave me a blank expression.

"Take a pic it will last longer" I shrugged, and watched as blush appeared on his face again.

"Whatever" he grumbled and looked away.

"Aww someone is grumpy" I teased.

"Why are you like this, I don't even really know you" he mumbles, and sat kinda near me.

"We could get to know eachother?" I suggested.

"Hm fine?" He seemed confused.

"Hmmm what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm not supposed to reveal that, but I guess I can trust you it's hunter" he said.

"Damn that name seems to fit you" I yawned.

"Hm what's your name? I never got told it" he explained.

"You didn't know my name but you where told you had to fine me?" I asked confused.

"Yup I got told what you looked like but never your name" he shrugged.

"That's strange well I'm y/n" I said and we talked for a few more hours, until we parted our ways.

"I'll get you later" hunter said and walked off.

"Bye cutie!!" I yelled and walked off also.


Not that flirty as I wanted it to be, but I'm like haft awake and in the process of trying to fix other chapters. I can always fix this chapter so it's more flirty but here.

♡~436 words~♡

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