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Y/n: your name


This chapter contains:




This chapter will be in the human realm and this chapter was a suggestion. Also hunter and y/n neighbors in a apartment.


Y/ns apartment


1:23 am


I woke up to loud banging at my door, I wrapped myself in a blanket and walked out of my room.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I yelled annoyed as soon as I yelled that the banging stopped.

I slowly made my way to the door and unlocked it and opened it slightly just to see who was there.

There stood hunter he was wearing his pjs still and looked like he had been crying.

"Woah what happended?" I asked as I opened the door more so he could come in.

Once to came it I shut the door it was freezing outside.

Hunter stayed quite and sat on the couch I made some hot chocolate and set it on the table in front of the couch.

I rapped a blanket around hunter and I sat in front of him on the couch, I put my hand to his cheek.

"Hey.." hunter looked at me "you can talk when your ready hun.." I rubbed his cheek.

Just then hunter hugged me, I rubbed his back as I felt my shoulder getting wet.

"It's alright baby.." I said softly as I continued to rub his back.

"I-I'm so-sorry" he stuttered and pulled away from the hug.

"What for hun?" I asked.

"I-i w-woke you up and n-now I'm c-c-crying" hunter mumbled as tears ran down his face.

"Hey hey love..it's okay I don't mind" I wiped the tears off his face.

Hunter stayed quite.

"Come here" I said softly and hunter came over to me.

Me and hunter cuddled and he talked about it.

"You feeling better?" I asked and he nodded.

Hunter yawned.

"Let's get you too bed" I said snd he nodded and got up.

We went to my room and got into my bed.

Hunter came closer and we both ended up cuddling.

Honestly I thought it was cute the way he was acting, I never got to really see this sidd of him.

"Thanks for this y/n" he mumbled as he yawned after.

"Yeah ofc love..it's no big deal" I said and rubbed his head as he started to fall asleep in my arms.

"Thank you...y/n..goodnight" hunter mumbled and fell asleep.

"Goodnight my prince" I sighed and looked at the time.

2:21 am

I sighed yet again.

I yawned and tired to sleep my last thought was about the poor hot chocolate that hunter forgot to drink.

♡~457 words~♡

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