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Y/n: your name

F/f: favorite flower

L/n: last name

This chapter contains:




This chapter will be in the human realm and everyone will be there such as amity, gus, willow, luz, hunter and y/ns parents and a character you will find later.



Fall - foggy weather

4:35 pm

3rd person pov

Hunter set down y/n f/fs gently he didn't want to get them wreaked.

Then came willow as soon as she put her flowers down she began to cry again.

Last was luz..

Hunter looked at the grave and read it once more.

Y/n l/n

Born: *insert birthdate*

Died: 2023

*insert quote*

Hunter felt the tears in his eyes,just as gus came over and hugged hunter and they both cried.

Y/ns parents were quietly crying, while amity and luz were wiping there tears away and trying to stay strong.

No one believed y/n was really dead she was a strong folk, but the evidence came to the point where she was dead.

No one could think other wise.

That day was one of the worse days for all of them.

Not many of y/ns family members showed up that day.

Willow soon had to leave and on her way out she began to cry yet again, but gus went with her because he had to leave too.

Hunter, y/ns parents, luz and amity were now left and it began to rain.

Yet no one left they all stayed no one wanted to leave until luz left.

Then was left with hunter, amity and y/n parents they all just did there own thing amity was crying softy, y/ns parents where quietly talking and hunter had a umbrella over his head and he was looked at y/ns grave still.

Soon everyone was gone all that was left was hunter, his umbrella was drenched and dripping but he didn't care.

Hunter began to talk but nothing came out.

He sighed and soon left,leaving only one person left.

Belos came out from the thick woods, a smile on his face.

"Oh y/n this is so funny" he said and laughed.

No one knew how y/n died but belos did..because...












Belos was the one who killed y/n.

Belos saw how hunter was failing more and more missions and he blamed y/n.

To belos hunter talked about y/n everyday and belos thought it was disturbing hunters missions.

So belos did what was best...he killed her.

"Take that.." belos mumbled as his wet hair got in his face.

"I hope hunter will focus more on missions and less on 'freaks'" belos said to himself and kicked y/ns grave.

Then belos left and no one was at her grave..

A month later.

Hunter visited y/ns grave everyday that he could.

But soon he couldn't anymore..belos was sending him on longer missions.

Hunter said his goodbyes to y/ns grave and was off again..

A year later

No one visited y/ns grave anymore, not even hunter or her parents.

It seemed like everyone was too busy to visit.

The grave had some vines growing on it and the flowers that were brought last year were dead.

3 years later

Y/ns grave was not chipped in some places and it was covered in different kinds of vines, some where dead while others where just growing.

No one had visited y/n in 4 years..but what could she do she was dead..

♡~598 words~♡

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