
690 11 3

Y/n: your name

C/n: child name


In this chapter hunter and y/n are married and they do have kids (you guys can pick if there adopted or not) and this chapter will not be in the human realm

This chapter contains:






Y/n and hunters place

Spring- cloudy

1:09 pm

Y/n pov

"Nooo don't eat that!!" I yelled as I grabbed thing c/n was going to eat.

I sighed why did hunter have to work today.

"Okay kids/kid time for a nap" I said.

"Noooo I don't wanna nap I wanna playyy" c/n whined and began to cry.

"Noo don't cry please" I groaned and picked up c/n.

I rocked him/her back and forth in my arms "shhhh" i said softly.

While still rocking him/her I went to his/her room and set him/her in there crib/bed.

"I don't wanna sleeppp" they complained and whipped the tears from there eyes.

"If you sleep on we can play after kid" I said and she/he nodded rather fast.

I tucked him/her in the crib/bed and I left so she/he could sleep.

Once I got down stairs I flopped on the couch.

This/these kid/kids are going to drive me crazy.

I went onto my scroll to see if I had any texts or messages.

I had one from hunter


>♡my love♡<

Hows it going?


Great :)

>♡my love♡<

You sure about that?


No it's a mess over here >:( when are you going to be off of work?

>♡my love♡<



Guess your going to miss your favorite dinner

>♡my love♡<

I'll be home in about 2 hours or so


Great see you then love you <3

>♡my love♡<

I love you too


I put my scroll down and layed on the couch.

I felt my eyes get heavy and everything went black.

4:43 pm

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I sat up and looked at the time.


I stared at the time.

Wait 4:43?!

I rushed up from the couch and bolt to the kitchen.

I told hunter I would make his favorite dinner and I haven't even started.

I got eveything out and got to cooking it when c/n came up to me.

"Mommy what are you cooking?" She/he asked.

"I'm cooking food" I said.

"What kind?" He/she asked and I smirked.

"The kind you can eat" I spoke and I saw as his/her smiled faded.

"Can I go play" she/he asked.

"Sure love" I responded back and I watched as he/her disappeared.

Soon c/n was watching me cook when the door opened.

"I'm backk!!" hunter yelled.

"Welcome back babe!!" I yelled back.

Hunter put his stuff away and sat at the kitchen island we had.

I put the foot out and hunter and c/n ate the food.

I scrolled threw my scroll while they were eating.

8:12 pm

The kid/kids were now sleeping and we and hunter were chilling on the couch.

I was drinking apple blood (you can change it if you want) and hunter was drinking water.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Belos is needy" hunter sighed and we both laughed.

"Your lips look lonely do they wanna meet mine?" I asked and smirked as I saw hunters face turn red.

"U-uhm s-sure" he stuttered, I love how his face still turns red it's cute.

I kissed his lips and he kissed back.

I broke the kiss and hunters face was still red while mine was just a light pink.

I kissed him again and he kissed back.

I bit his lip and his mouth opened and I let my tounge in to explore after I few I broke it.

The kiss left a line of saliva.

Hunters face was so red.

I giggled "you too cute baby" I said and I saw him cover his face.

"T-thanks" he stuttered.

Soon we went to bed and got ready for something like today to happen again.



I don't think I will be writing something like this chapter again this chapter was very hard to make and it took way to long but I hope you guys enjoyed.

♡~730 words~♡

♡~Golden guard one-shots [Request Closed]~♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ