
877 13 1

Y/n: your name

F/t: favorite toy


This chapter contains:

Y/n and hunter being kids


Spelling mistakes (it will only be during talking and I will put what it means at the end of the sentence for people who cant undertand it)


Y/ns parents house


1:56 pm

Y/ns pov

"Gimme iit bakkk!!" I yelled as hunter stole my f/t. (Gimme it back)

"Nwooo ist miine" hunter ran up stairs. (Nooo its mine)

"Staoppp!!!!" I yelled chasing him up the stairs. (Stoppp)

Hunter ran into my room and I followed him.

"Gimme it bakk yuoo poopy fawce!!!" I yelled. (Gimme it back you poopy face)

"I weill nevwer givie iw bak!!" He yelled back and threw it against the wall. (I will never give it back)

"Mi tioay!!" I gasp and rushed toward the toy. (My toy)

I looked at the toy ok the ground snd it was broken..my favorite toy was broken.

"Y-yowu meaine" I stuttered. (You meanie)

I started to cry "wawh!!!" I cried. (wahh)

"W-wate d-dount ceye!" Hunter stuttered and rushed over to me. ( wait don't cry)

I continued to cry and sob.

"Y/n iam sowry pleawse dount creye" hunter said and hugged me. (Y/n im sorry please don't cry)

"Youwu broukeye itw!!" I sobbed "thawt ways meye faov toi" I whined and cried louder. (You broke it) (that was my fav toy)

"Kids what's going on up there!!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Nowthing" hunter said and picked me up (nothing)

Hunter set me on the bed and he got on also.

"Cowme hear" he said and I went over to him while trying bit to cry. (Come here)

When I was over there he hugged he and started to rub my back and that caused me to cry more.

"Swhhh ist okawy" he said softy as he continued to rub my back softly. (Shhh its okay)

I sniffled "cawn wpe pway doulls?" I asked and he shook his head yes. (Can we play dolls)

"I cawan bwwe twhe moum" I spoke and wiped my nose. (I can be the mom)

"Ieyele bewe twhe dade" he said and kissed my head it was strange. (I be the dad)

Then we played dolls for most of the day.


It was so hard to write this chapter I'm not sure if it's that childish kinda but I hope it works and i know it's short.

♡~420 words~♡

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