
934 18 10

Y/n: your name

S/c: skin color

F/c: favorite color

F/f: favorite flower


This chapter contains:





Hunters place


10:18 pm

Y/ns pov

"Ughhh" I groaned, as I went to rub my eyes but something stopped them from moving.

"Huh" I mumbled and looked around, it looked like a was in a basement but it was a nicer basement?

There was a board on the wall, it had what looked like to be pictures. I was too far to see what the pictures had of them.

I looked around some more, there was a rug that was f/c, along with a couch that was f/c also.

By the couch there was a night stand it held a vase inside the vase was my f/f 'strange' I thought.

The last thing was a a basic clock, but the strange thing was that it was my f/c, this gave me a strange feeling but I shrugged it outside.

I sat there for awhile, soon I started to fall asleep before I heard a door open.

I was wide awake again, I pushed the nervousness away but it came back when that door open.

"Oh y/n your awake~" they said but I knew who it was, it had to be hunter from the voice and how it sounds it has to be hunter.

I didn't say anything I just looked where I had looked for the past what 20 mins?

I saw him walk over to me and in front of me, what surprised me is that instead of him just talking without my looking, he put a hand under my chin and lifted my head up so I could see him.

At this point I was more nervous then I had been.

"It's so great your here~" he spoke with a smirk on his face.

I said nothing yet again.

"Playing hard to get a see well we can fix that.." he said as his smirk dropped and chills went down my spine.

Hunter went over to a closet that I haven't noticed and opened it, I could not see what was inside but it made me nervous, what the closet contained inside.

Just then he pulled out a knife, it was a small knife.

My eyes went wide as I saw him smirk and come over to me.

"W-what are y-yoir doing with t-that?!" I stuttered.

"Now she wants to talk well it's too late darling~" he said and pressed the knife to my lips, it stung like hell but I refused to let any tears fall.

The knife dug into my skin pretty deep, he took it out and locked the blood from my lip off of it.

I felt the blood from my lip run down my face.

"You bitch" I sneered I put my head down.

"Y/n that wasn't very nice of you" he said with a dark tone.

He cut the rope off one of my arms and I quickly slapped him in the face, the slap left the red mark on his face.

"Y/n you messed the fuck up" he glared at me and grabbed my arm harshly.

I yelped from how hard to grabbed my arm, hunter put the knife he my s/c skin and dug it in deep.

I yelped in pain as he took the knife out and cut more lines. I felt more blood come out if my lip and arm, and soon eveything went black and I passed out.

Hunter pov

I saw y/n pass put from what I would guess is blood loss, I untied her other arm and picked her up.

I brought her too the couch and grabbed some stuff to help her arm and lip.

A few minutes later

I got her arm and lip covered right now she was laying on the couch with a pillow under her head and a blanket covering her.

I sighed and rubbed my cheek then I left the room.

Y/n pov

I woke up and looked around, my arm was rapped up and my lip was too ( I have no idea how that will look but it's fineee) I seemed tk be laying on the couch.

A pillow was under my head and a blanket was on top of me but I still seemed cold.

I sighed and got up hunter had left the door open but the doors to get out side were locked locked and they were too loud so if I were to open it hunter would hear me.

I found hunters room snd he seemed to be still awake, he was just laying in bed but when he saw me he looked up from his phone.

"Yes?" He questioned as he turned his phone off.

I just stood there I didn't wanna ask it but I had to I was going to freeze to death.

"Can I sleep with you" I mumbled quietly but he still heard me.

"come here" he said softly and I walked over there and go into bed, with him (they both have clothes on I swear) he put his phoneon night stand next to his bed and he laid down.

We both stayed at our own side of the bed till I just gave up I was still freezing.

I went over to hunter and snugged up to him.

I snuggled into his chest as I started to fall asleep.

My last thought before I fell asleep was ' if this is how I have to live from now on I will take it at least I will have someone who loves me' last thing I thought I before I fell alseep in hunters arms.

Hunters pov

It's strange how women change there minds in the matter how 2 seconds but that doesn't matter.

I have y/n sleeping in my arms that is the only thing that matters to me right now.

She is mine.

She will be treated right here.

And I will love her with all my heart.

♡~1023 words~♡

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