Her love

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| Her love |

Aurora stood there on the quiet street, the cold breeze gently tousling her hair as she watched his car disappear around the corner, leaving behind nothing but the echo of its engine in the night and she felt emptiness settled in her heart.

Aurora took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she tried to shake off the melancholy. The night held its secrets, and as she turned to walk away, she carried with her the bittersweet memory of his disappearing car.

The earlier conversation of Jimin and his actions really took a toll on her emotions. She expected kindness or understanding from him, but his words and behavior had the opposite effect. She couldn't leave the expression of irritating and frustration that saw in his eyes at evening, it's not something Aurora expected from him.

She breathed heavily the night enveloped her like a heave shroud as she turned away and went inside her home. She didn't eat anything, her stomach grumbled loudly but at the same time she had no appetite to eat. Leaving untouched food on table she went upstairs and gave a glance at her mobile till there was neither text nor call from Jimin

With heave heart she entered bathroom and freshen up, a ringtone sliced through air, jolting Aurora as she rushed outside and hope lit up in her sight, hoping to hear Jimin's voice but disappointment etched across her face when she had heard her mother's voice. They talked for some time and she informed, "This family reunion will take some more time as they insisted her to stay more. Everyone was sad since you couldn't join the family function as they missing you a lot. Aurora."- Her mother said.

"I wish I can mom, but you know tomorrow I have final submission of my project and I can't miss that."- Aurora spoke, "Yes, I know and that's why I didn't pressured you. Okay. Have you had your dinner?"-her mother enquired, since she knew how much she was careless when it came to her heath.

"Yes mom, I had."- She lied.

"Okay, they are calling me; I'll talk to you later, hmm."- Her mom said before hanging the call.

She looked at her phone, each passing minute felt like an eternity as she clutched the phone, anxiously waiting for him to call.

"Should I give him a call?"- She more likely to speak with herself,

He had promised to call, the seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes to hours, but the phone remained silent.

Aurora anxiously tapped her fingers on the edge of her phone, and finally decided to call him, but the ring went on and he didn't pick up her call, her mind involuntarily went "Was he deliberately avoiding the call, or was there a genuine reason behind the silence?" – She couldn't stop herself from over thinking. She contemplated sending a text message but later dropped it.

"May be I reacted over, he is right we are getting married within few days and here I create big fuss over nothing."- Aurora blamed herself for not being able to go with his desire.

With a heavy sigh, she decided to lie down, still holding onto the phone, just in case he called. Her eyelids grew heavy, and the exhaustion of the day took its toll. Despite the disappointment and unanswered questions lingering in her mind, sleep her eyes closed, she let go of the phone.

Aurora woke up to the gentle rays of the morning sun streaming through her curtains, casting a warm glow across her room. As she slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she instinctively reached for was her phone.

No missed calls, no text messages, nothing from his side. She tried to push away the growing sense of disappointment, reminding herself that people get busy, that maybe Rayn had a hectic morning or had simply overlooked reaching out. But the nagging doubt persisted, and as she got ready for her college since today was the important day for her.

After finishing her class, she went to cafeteria, and her friend waved at her, as she walked to their table, "Hey, what took you so long, hmm. You know I was waiting for you after finishing my class and here you late for almost half an hour."- Her friend Zoe almost scold her, as Aurora shook her head and pick a piece of chicken from her plate and spoke, "I have told I had an extra class which I need to attend. "- She spoke biting her piece of chicken.

"Oh my god!"- Ivy almost screamed at the other side, Aurora flinched as the chicken piece fell from her finger, "What happen?"- Zoe asked, horrified looking at her expression, as Ivy pointed at Aurora's direction, "Is it a hickey on your neck?" – Her voice almost above whisper.

Eye widened, as her hand involuntarily went at the side of her neck where Jimin last night kissed her, Zoe's instantly hold her hand and prevented her from covering since this was totally unexpected from Aurora.

"You and hickey?" OH my God, Do you lose your virginity with that some guy?"- Zoe asked, her voice filled with excitement. As Aurora held her mouth from stopping her otherwise she will scream and let everybody know.

"It's not what you guys are thinking."- Aurora spoke, her voice filled with sorrow, "Actually..." She spoke everything to her friends, as they listened her talk, "No wonder, you behave like this. That's why I tell you always to come out from the world of your book, there was so many things which are so exciting and here you're all being dumb. Do you have any idea how much you have embarrassed him, no wonder he didn't pick up your call."- Zoe spoke nonchalantly.

Hearing her words, her face fell. "Uff ! Come on Zoe, why are you blaming Aaru, you know embarrassing him was never her idea, it just happened."- Ivy tried to console her.

Aurora spoke, "It was just felt like too fast, I was scared, didn't know what to do? I tried to apologize him but he didn't listen any."- Her voice felt heavy,

Ivy placed her hand on her shoulder and consoled, "Is oaky, Aru. It's normal to fell fear when it was the first time. In fact when Aiden and I went close for the fast time he was super gentle with me and I was stood there stiff, my mind was just stopped working but he handled the situation really well, he made it comfortable for me."- She tried to explain the situation, she knew Aaru and how much new these things for her.

Zoe interrupted and spoke, "Okay, Give him a call, now."- With her question Aurora said, "I have already called Rayn but he didn't pick it up."

Zoe insisted, "Oaky, call again."

Aurora opened her phone with help of her fingertips and dialed his number and it went ring but no one picked it up.

She shook her head, "He is not picking up."

Ivy held her hand and said, "Is okay, relax, give some time, things will automatically set in puzzle."

"I hope so."- She spoke, hoping he will understand.

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