But now it can't work anymore, Emperor Chongzheng doesn't deal with government affairs, and the Imperial Academy, as a secretarial department, naturally can't get in touch with the emperor frequently, and the only official who can accompany the emperor in daily life has been rejected by him.

    In this way, the Hanlin Academy has completely become a motherless child, a group of scholars who can only study books, but have no real power, and they will step on you if they don't!

    Zhou Yijiong followed his indignant colleagues with spirit, and a group of people rushed towards the Ministry of Households in a mighty manner.

    When the group from the Imperial Academy arrived, the front of the household department was already full of people.

    It seems that the Imperial Academy is not the only one who is owed salary this time!

    Wen Qu and his deputy glanced at each other, and led the chicks behind them to stand behind those people silently, deciding to figure out the situation first.

    "Why is our salary still missing when it comes to the salary payment day? I wonder if your household department has given us our salary in ignorance." The most angry were a group of military officers, all of whom were in charge of a large number of soldiers. It doesn't matter how many these soldiers are, anyway, they will definitely cause trouble when they have no money at the end of the month.

    Zhou Yi took a look and found that General Li was not among them. General Li's military power had been returned a long time ago. Although he has the name of a general now, he has no soldiers under his command except for a family general. Naturally, it was not his turn to worry.

    "My colleagues, be safe and don't be impatient. Our household department is trying our best to raise money. Once we have money, we will pay you all immediately." The person who came out to speak did not know who it was from the household department. The trembling old man looked as if he was about to pass over.

    Zhou Yi suspects that this is a deliberate strategy of the Ministry of Household Affairs to make mourners.

    "Damn you, you said the same thing last month, last month, and you haven't paid the salary until now, and now you use this reason to prevaricate, does your household department think that we big soldiers are easy to bully! "However, the military officer doesn't care about your age or anything, he is very angry, and if he catches you directly, he will spit.

    The old man wiped the saliva that was sprayed on his face, and said calmly: "The old mother has passed away. If you want to do it, I'm afraid you can only go to the hell to find it."

    "Pfft..." Zhou Yi was caught off guard and let out a big mouthful. This... This is so fucking unreal. I know, I'm afraid that I will get out of the coffin in anger and strangle this evil son to death.

    "You..." The military officer was also angry when he was so shameless. He deeply suspected that this old guy was thicker than himself. Who is the soldier ruffian? Qing, what the hell, I met my opponent today.     He clenched his fists and was about to punch the old guy, but he was persuaded by the people who came with him. He came to ask for salary, and it was no harm to fight a few words. If the money is not received, it will cause a lawsuit instead. If they offend the household department, they will not be paid their salaries in the future, then the gain outweighs the loss.     "Colleagues, it's not that the Ministry of Household Affairs deliberately defaulted on your salaries. It's just that there is no more money in the treasury. There will be a tax payment in the first ten days of next month at the latest. At that time, I will definitely make up for your salaries, including what you owed before." The old man said again.     Seeing that they really couldn't come out with money, they had to curse and leave.     Wen Qu glanced at it, and said to the group of chickens behind, "Go back."     Back in the Imperial Academy, Wen Qu summoned all the people from the Imperial Academy to him: "You have also seen what happened today, Hubu Maybe there is no money, the national treasury is empty, no matter how much trouble we make, it is impossible to pour money, and the Ministry of Household Affairs is actually difficult to do!" If the Minister of the Ministry of Households heard this, he would probably have tears in his eyes, and excitedly pull Wen Qu's hand shouted a confidant! Everyone fucking thinks that the Minister of the Household Department is rich and handles countless silver coins every day, but in this year, there is not much money coming in, and more and more people are asking for money. In order to turn over money, his black hair turned into white hair. The most hateful thing is that from time to time, some people suspect that he has embezzled. I can't wait to find a tree with a crooked neck and hang myself.

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