23.Start the game

Start from the beginning

Tanattai's story about Dhipabawon's effort, combined with some risky behavior of certain individuals, made him hesitant to acknowledge anyone's efforts. "I've already said I'll compete. I have to keep my promise." The household head lowered his gaze, causing Tarin to somewhat understand the situation. 

"About the competition. If you don't feel like it...

Dhipabawon joins the conversation, bringing a box of marble chocolate cake. Tarin remains silent as his father tries to ease the tension within the family. Dhipabawon expresses his actions were for the family's safety, seeking understanding from Tarin. Tarin accepts humbly, realizing the true intentions behind his father's actions. The tension gradually dissipates as they reconcile, with Dhipabawon emphasizing his desire for the family to be together. Kanin observes, understanding the complexities of family dynamics and the sacrifices made for their well-being.

Kanin expresses his wish for fairness in the upcoming competition, acknowledging its significance. His Sunday mornings, once spent lounging in bed, have drastically changed since becoming an heir. He feels constrained by the expectations and schedules set by others, unable to live life on his own terms. Despite the importance of learning about Emmaly's history and the business operations of each family, Kanin finds himself longing for the simplicity of his previous life.

Atsawathewathin, Pucongpisut, and Thawetmetha are distinguished families within the region of Emmaly, each with its own distinct economic pursuits and geographical domains. Atsawathewathin, situated in the northern high plains, transitioned from a focus on horse husbandry to gold exports and investment banking. 

Pucongpisut, located in the eastern region, originally known for fruit cultivation, shifted its economic base to diamond mining and healthcare services due to the abundance of poisonous animals in the area. Thawetmetha, situated in the western forests, initially thrived on wood exports but later diversified into sapphire mining and transportation ventures to address economic challenges.

Kanin absorbs basic information about the prominent families and their economic activities in Emmaly. However, the overwhelming volume of documents provided by Chakri leaves him feeling stressed and frustrated. Despite his reluctance, Chakri insists that Kanin read through all the materials within the day, adding to his mounting pressure. This unexpected task disrupts Kanin's plans and adds to his sense of being overwhelmed by his new responsibilities.

"competing as a team." The pressure on Kanin mounts as he realizes the magnitude of his responsibilities, from selecting competitors for the competition to learning traditional dances for the upcoming inauguration banquet. Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and tasks, Kanin's frustration reaches a breaking point. Despite the support and guidance from his advisors, he struggles to keep up with the demands placed upon him, feeling trapped in a whirlwind of obligations and expectations.

Competing, requiring one team to automatically advance without participating in the first round. Grandfather spoke of the welcoming banquet held in his official capacity as the true father's heir in three days, counting from the opening day, and he would have to enter the competition for the position of Sovereign-King immediately.

 Kanin took a breath without uttering a word, his gaze fixed on Cakri, who was now avoiding eye contact, bringing forth the simmering anger that had accumulated in his chest. He is going crazy here, it's a human brain. It's not a hard disk, it's not as if you can upload information and be able to do it instantly. What about the special competition rules that your grandfather mentioned yesterday, regarding the issue of fairness for those who didn't receive fairness? Because there are three teams competing, one team automatically advances to the final round without participating in the first round. And there are detailed subcategories that are giving Kanin a splitting headache, partly because he's being forced to do it without being fully prepared, and partly because of the annoyance at someone who hasn't faded away yet.

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