16.Lives hanging by a Thread

Start from the beginning

Sitting on the train for several hours didn't exhaust Kanin as much as he thought. Maybe because there were others around him to take care of each other. He looked at the farthest mountain, hidden behind the fog. He was here now, but he didn't feel even slightly excited.

 "Don't stare at the mirror too long." 

The sentence was like calling the white person out of the castle of thoughts. Kanin's gaze shifted from the outside view to the tall person who hadn't made any movements for several hours.

 Charan was like a programmed computer, while the other person sat hugging his knees, often being warned to be careful by Charan. 

"We are on a train, and the train is passing through the mountains...I don't think anyone could shoot me right now." The whispered sentence seemed to make Kanin nervous, but Charan understood it well. 

This child's world wasn't the life hanging on a thread. The boy was just an ordinary human being. Self-defense skills might not be his forte, as it wasn't unusual. "You should toughen up. Anything could happen now. 

Even if you jump into the water, no one can guarantee that you'll be safe." Charan replied matter-of-factly. The conversation topic was nerve-wracking, but the speaker's posture was no different from that of a debate. General topics, such as earth, sky, and air, asked for philosophical exchange about living.

 Kanin took a breath. Although he wanted to argue, he knew fully that what Charan said wasn't an exaggeration or real threat. He had already proven everything to himself. Being an Atsawathewatin wasn't that simple, after all. 


Kanin pretended to take a deep breath, sounding exhausted. But eventually, he retreated from the window and sat down to hug himself, replacing the conversational couple. 

"We're almost there. We need to prepare ourselves." In this situation, Charan began to figure out how to deal with it. He didn't pay much attention to the child, but instead chose to stare at his watch to calculate the distance and position of the station that they would arrive in a few minutes. It was certain that Kanin guessed the way out, and the child knew that Charan didn't want to prolong the tension in a potentially dangerous situation, but that was all that he saw and couldn't help being uneasy. 

"So what should we do?" He wrinkled his nose, breathing out a light sigh, and raised his eyebrows to ask a question. This time, he didn't want to harass them, but raised doubts because he wanted a genuine answer. Since yesterday, when they boarded the train, Charan hadn't told him anything about their plans. On the other hand, the other person arranged everything for him. It was the kind of management that the child had barely moved. From finding food, arranging a bed, sitting and watching him fall asleep, Kanin still saw Charan staying in the same position, from Bangkok up until they arrived at their destination. He didn't know if he had slept or not. 

"But talk is cheap....even the face of God still looks too perfect. Above and beyond two standards." "Get ready. The next station is the final one...we'll get off there." It didn't take long for them to arrive at the last station. It wasn't different or impressive than many stations they passed before. 

There were snacks, ticket booths, and people strolling around to wait for their trains. Kanin followed behind the tall figure, observing how he handled everything with ease, unable to admire him internally. Since he knew him, he had never seen Charan unable to handle anything. Whatever it was, he was always careful, cautious, and appropriate. 

"Do you want to drink water? Or do you want to go to the bathroom first?"

 Because he was sneaking glances at the face of God, Kanin gaze slipped away from the tall figure. He paused for a moment before quickly dodging his gaze and nodded.

The Next Prince (ZeeNunew) [Charan&Kanin]Where stories live. Discover now