Epilogue 2: First time at Haru's place

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Haru's POV: [Past tense, the first night Myung stayed at his place]

Today Myung is going to stay the night. Since morning I've been busy shopping for everything that Myung would probably like to eat with the money that I was saving for months...

I don't know why, but I was pretty anxious and excited at the same time...

I'm afraid that Myung won't stay friends with me anymore after coming over and seeing my pathetic family, however it'd be like a miracle if he'd accepted me the way I truly am because no one has ever done that...

I'm used to losing my friends or getting betrayed after hanging out with them for a while, which is why I don't believe in things like commitment or royalty...

But, ever since, I've met Myung...
Something has changed deep inside me...
Myung is different from others as if he's not from this cruel planet...
I like being around him because he always takes me to another world...


I couldn't have invited him for almost a year because my parents wouldn't let me to, despite the fact that Myung was my friend and I'd been to his place countless times. And I finally got their permission after so much pleading to them for days...

Our worlds are so different from each other...

Myung was raised by such kind and warm-hearted parents, in a cozy, filled with love environment...

Exactly opposite of me...

Our house is always filled with silence and darkness...
My parents never cared about my well-being, but they've been annoyingly strict at the same time ...
Never show me affection...
Never let me do anything I like...
Never let me make friends...
They believe that I was able to live and grow without their help or love since I was a child...
The only rule in our house is that I do not bother them in any way or they'd get angry...


As Myung arrived, my mom was drilling him with her endless questions, and Myung had turned into his robot mode, answering her quickly without thinking, which seeing him frustrated like that was kinda funny and cute.

After 30 minutes of my mom's investigation into Myung's background, I dragged him to my room to rescue him since I was worried he'd run away after...
When my mom left the house, I finally let out a sigh of relief...

I made dinner for us, and it seemed that Myung really enjoyed it, which put a big smile on my face watching him eat well...

After dinner, we decided to watch a scary movie due to Myung's insistance and I agreed with him...

However, the fact that he wanted to see that movie but kept hiding behind the pillow as if it could protect him from ghost attacks was hilarious...

I couldn't focus on the movie at all...
All my attention was drawn to him and his innocent yet scared face...

"I want to hug him so badly~... He's adorable~..." As this thought crossed my mind, I laughed unconsciously, and Myung hit me with his pillow since he assumed I'm making fun of him...


When the movie finished, and we decided to sleep, I let Myung have my bed and laid a mattress on the floor for myself...

As I put my head on the pillow, I was so tired that I fell asleep right away...

While deep in sleep, I was awakened suddenly by feeling like something was crawling close to me...

"What the hell is going on?..." I wondered...

As I opened my eyes, I saw Myung trying to stuff himself into my side, so I asked, "What's wrong?"

I covered his mouth with my hand as he got panicked after hearing my voice.
I warned him that we should stay quiet if we didn't want to get killed by my dad, then Myung said that he's scared to sleep alone...

I couldn't understand why he would be scared of these things?!... I'm pretty sure they're less scary than my parents!... Or even human beings!...

I sighed at this poor child trembling in my embrace because of a stupid movie...
How would you survive in this world, Myung?...

I held him close in my arms to help him sleep and lightly patted and nuzzled his head. I could feel his warm breath on my chest and his heartbeat through my skin...

I felt like I wanted to keep him in my arms forever...
He puts my mind at ease and makes my heart race...
I couldn't comprehend the reason behind it, but I was overwhelmed as he drifted off to sleep in my embrace...

Uncontrollably, I kissed the top of his head gently and then his forehead...

As I was about to go further down and kiss his lips, I came back to my senses again, my heart pounding so fast while I was wondering what the hell had I just done?!~...

We needed a bit of Haru's POV, right?

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