Part 31🔞🫣

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As we were in that chaotic situation, Mijoo stood in the doorway and said, "Such a drama queen!... Just let him leave... why would you keep a loser like him by your side anyway?..."

"Shut the fuck up!..." I got shivers all over my body as Haru shouted at Mijoo.

Mijoo got annoyed and said, "Hey!... That bitch is the one throwing a tantrum and instead, you're shouting at me!..."

Haru lifted me up and put me on the bed vigorously and said with a serious expression, "Stay here and don't dare move...".
Then he grabbed his wallet and took out some cash to give it to her. Afterwards, he grasped Mijoo's hair and dragged her away while saying, "Pack your things and get lost right now... Who do you think you are to insult him?" ...

I heard her screaming and cursing at Haru, "Where can I go at this hour?... You son of a bitch!... I'm not going anywhere!..."

I was shaking like a leaf as I got up to follow them. The fear of Haru doing something to her out of anger haunted me since I could sense the rage in his eyes...
As I stepped out of the room, I saw Haru throw her to the ground forcefully. "You were the one who told him about me sleeping with them, huh?..." ...

He raised his hand and was about to hit her when I shouted, "STOP!... She's still a girl!... What the hell do you think you're doing?!..."
Haru froze and looked at me exasperated...
I moved between them, standing protectively in front of Mijoo and telling her, "Just leave~... you know it's pointless to fight back against him..."

She got up, grabbed her things immediately, and left while mumbling curses at us...


I was holding Haru's shirt to not do anything more while watching her leave the house.
As she left, Haru said coldly, "I told you to stay there... why did you interfere?..."

My tears were still rolling down while my hands were shaking, " I couldn't let you do something crazy~..." I whined and collapsed in his arms as if I had lost all my energy.

He lifted me up again and took me to the living room. He gently placed me on the couch and said, "Let me get the first-aid kit..."

After he returned, he grabbed my feet and started taking out the shattered glasses on my sole. "I wonder why you don't ever use sleepers?... Look at your scars!... Does it hurt?!..."... I replied sorrowfully, "Not as much as my heartache..."

He let out a sigh and continued, "Myung, I know I've done so many wrong things towards you, but you should believe me on this one... It's true that I had sex with them, but it was before we got back together... also... I know I can't justify what happened earlier. However, I was really drunk and not in my right mind... she was the one who pounced on me first... I swear it was just kissing nothing more..."

I covered my eyes with my forearm and said," Haru, loving you is like hell and I'm burned every fucking day... Do you know how much it hurts?... My doubts... my insecurities... your love and the way you show your affection... the people around you... all of them suffocate me... "

I could hear him sobbing while he was wrapping the bandage around my feet.
He stayed in silence for the longest time, then he took my hand, kissed it and said, "I'm sorry, I'll try harder... But I can't let you go~... I truly love you... "

I didn't say anything anymore. I was speechless... Just how much longer do you want to keep apologizing to me while hurting me continuously? Are you truly sorry?... Or is it just for the sake of persuading me to stay with you?...


For about two weeks, I locked myself in my room, avoiding Haru, and he let me be since he knew how frustrated I was...

I thought about what should I do...
I couldn't easily forgive him this time...
In order for us to stay together, I should've done something. A conclusion was needed to keep us from becoming insane...

Finally, when I was able to put my mind together, I stepped out of my room and found Haru lying on the bed playing with his phone...

I sat on the bed and looked at him. "Haru, listen to me carefully. We can't continue on like this..."

He was taken aback by my sudden appearance and stared at me silently...

I continued, "This is the last chance I'll give us... I want us to be in a serious relationship as lovers, which means you can't fool around anymore. I won't accept any more excuses from you in the future. Also, if I can't be in contact with anyone, you can't either, except for work-related things. You should draw a clear line in your relationship with them. In addition, never ever use any kind of force on me again. Will you agree with it?..."

He nodded in agreement and said, "I'll do as you wish..." Then he got close to me, "Does this mean we're good now?... can I touch you?..." I nodded, and he slowly reached his hand out to me. He gently touched my lips and kissed me.

As he held me, he kept repeating, "I've missed you."...

We were drawn to our high passion at that moment... Mixed emotions of love and loss... Our lips met with a deep and passionate desire, as we got lost in each other's embrace, our movements becoming more urgent and intense. Our bodies intertwined, his hands caressing every inch of my body as our lovemaking intensified. I shed tears as I was overwhelmed by how much I yearned for him.


As summer was about to end and we didn't even have time to rest, Haru took me on a trip. We travelled to XX country for about 10 days.

I felt kinda refreshed since I'd never been on vacation for years. I was about to forget how to have fun. All I could remember were painful memories. But when I arrived at the beach, I felt a warmth I hadn't experienced in a long time...

We walked barefoot on the sand, played with water, built a sand castle, and wrote our names on the sand...

I could feel Haru trying to brighten my mood... He held my hand all the time, not letting go...
Kissing me whenever he gets the chance...
Trying to make me laugh by spouting nonsense things...
He became more gentle and considerate towards me...

We did so many fun things when we were there, like riding bicycles together, shopping, trying street snacks and foods, dancing in the clubs, strolling around the city...


As for our last night, we got on the boat to have dinner in the middle of the dark ocean...
The fresh breeze was tingling our skins. After dinner, Champaign and cake were served as dessert...

I took a candle and lighter out and put the candle on the cake and lit it... I asked Haru to blow it as I sang the birthday song for him...

Although Haru's birthday was a few days ago before coming here, I still wanted to give him his gift, which was a portrait of him that I drew myself for him with watercolours...
So I took it out of my backpack and gave it to him afterwards...

He was so impressed because he hadn't expected it at all. "Myung, I thought you forgot about it completely... Thank you!..."

+"Sorry I was late... Hope you'll like it..."

-"I love it... you know I'm in love with your artistic side!... "

As I smiled at him, he suddenly flinched and said, "You know what I just remembered?!... I've seen this scene in my dream before that you and me, sitting on this boat, drinking and talking to each other... I felt like a sudden Dejavu... I guess we really were meant to be together..."

I laughed and said, "Come on!... You're talking like an old man trying to seduce me with this..."

-"I'm telling the truth!..."

+"haha... yeahhh~... yeahhh~..."

Haru leaned in, ran his hands around my neck, and kissed me tenderly on the lips, nuzzling my hair as he deepened the kiss. I felt his lips linger on my own as he pulled away, his hands still on my neck.
His eyes sparkled as he smiled at me, making my heart flutter. I let out a deep breath, feeling my cheeks flush with warmth.

We stayed there as Haru held me close in his embrace, and the ocean breeze blew around us until the boat returned to the coast.

Obsession (BxB)[completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora