Part 4

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Time flew so fast, and we were already in eleventh grade...
As for the new semester, Shiwoo, Haru, and I were in the same class again...
Not long after, Shiwoo and some other kids reconciled with Haru again out of the blue, like nothing ever happened between them...

This time, I don't know how, but it was me who became an outcast after they became a group. That was simply because I wasn't on the good side with others since that day and neither Haru...

The fact that I was left out didn't concern me because I was used to this kind of thing...
They've always been like that. Using me whenever they need me, and tossing me away whenever they don't. Putting the blame on me whenever they've been cornered.

Since I'm mostly patient and the quiet type, they think they can do whatever they want from me.
In the end, I'm the villain when I want to stand for my rights or whenever I get tired of their shits...

I felt unfair. However, I had to move on. I hated the school even more those days. Trying to separate myself from that vibe by drawing in my sketchbook or reading a romance comic during our breaks at school...

I felt like I was slowly getting back to my old self as time passed.


It was near my birthday time, in December, when Haru tried to get close to me again...

He kept staring at me whenever I was around his sight... observing me from far away wherever I was... Like a stalker, I could feel his presence everywhere.

Although I knew what he wanted to do, I decided to ignore him and act like I didn't notice anything because I didn't want to get played by him again...
But my efforts vanished soon after since life had already decided to lead me into a corner that I couldn't escape from...

I don't know why, but everything seemed so smooth for him when he wanted something unlike me...

In any case, it was around that time when some older guys tried to harass me and steal my money when I was returning home from school.

As Haru was also following me on that day, he observed them bothering me, so he fought back until they ended up running away.

I was frozen in place, unable to move, just looking at Haru, and how furious he was while beating them.

As they fled, I finally was able to breathe, and said a plain thank you after a sigh and tried to go away without starting a conversation.

Nevertheless, he stopped me by standing in front of me, then asked if I was alright in a worried tone...
And I told him that I was fine so get out of my way...

He pushed me onto the wall, and his gaze was fixed on me. "Myung, I'm sorry..."...

"Sorry for what?..." I answered.
While I was trying to avoid eye contact by looking at the floor, he grabbed my chin and lifted my head.

He said, "I heard everything from Shiwoo. I shouldn't act like that to you... I'm sorry for not believing you and treating you badly... although it's late, I wanted to apologize to you at least..."...

His eyes were full of remorse and sadness with a bit of affection, maybe...
Unlike the day that I went to see him for the last time, incredibly cruel without any emotion...

I was confused by his actions...
How can you be like this?... Why are you doing this to me?...
Someday you'll come to me full of warmth and energy...
But some other day, you'll ignore me as I've never existed in your life in the first place...

I was overwhelmed and gritted my teeth, "I get it... can you let me go now?..."

He continued, "Would you forgive me?... Can we become friends again?... I... Miss..."

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