Part 3

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From that day, the kids in our class started to avoid him, and the rumours about Haru and his mom spread more and more.

I didn't like the way everyone treated and ghosted him. However, I've always been a bystander who wouldn't get involved in arguments or dramas since I had no power.

Especially in this case where his mother was involved in that mess. I was just nobody.
I didn't really care about how she treated me that day, but I was awkward around Haru those days.

I didn't know whether to tell him about it or just do what his mom wanted... How could I be sure what was the right thing to do?...

I didn't want him to get in trouble with his parents nor separate from him.

When I was still struggling with my own conflicts, I was unknowingly hurting his feelings, which was because he thought I was avoiding him too, and I'm not on his side either.

As a result, we grew apart as days passed due to my cowardly behaviour. We didn't talk or hang out as often as we used to. I felt guilty and ashamed of my selfish behaviour.

I wanted to apologize but didn't know how. It was difficult for me to face the confrontation because I was afraid that it would make things worse.


On one of those days, my other friend, who's known each other since we were seven, named Shiwoo, dragged me along his other friends to the cinema.

Even though I wanted to stay at home, Shiwoo made a fuss that I keep refusing his offers. So, I agreed in the end out of frustration.

The thing that I was clueless about was that they'd planned a kind of rebellion against Haru to show him that he's an outcast in our class.

They knew Haru had plans that day with his girlfriend at the cinema, so they decided to go there without calling Haru despite the usual.

As we got there, Haru spotted us right away. Shiwoo reached out to Haru and his girlfriend and whispered something near his ear, and also told his girlfriend something but I couldn't hear what they'd talked about, then came back to us while smirking.

The expression on Haru's face was pretty gloomy. He stood there frowning. Our eyes met each other, and I could feel a chill running through my body. He glared at me with a look of anger and disappointment.

I wanted to say something, but it wasn't the right time to approach him. The kids around me laughed along with Shiwoo at them.

I was annoyed by their childishness. "You guys are so lame!!!... I'm going home..."....
I headed out of there and returned home right away...


After that day, Haru ignored my apologetic messages and calls and also avoided me at school.

He didn't even give me a chance to explain it. I was frustrated and didn't know what to do. I tried to apologize in person, but he acted like he didn't even want to hear what I had to say.

I knew I had wronged him, and I felt guilty for not standing up for him when I had the chance. I was desperate for a way to make it up to him, but I had no idea how to approach him when he kept avoiding me.

Once again, I fell into Shiwoo's trashy things like an idiot. He was the trigger that things between me and Haru got even worse, simply because he kinda wanted to bully Haru...

Since Shiwoo has always been selfish and only thinks about himself, he has put me in trouble so many times that I've lost count.

However, stupidly, I've never complained to him because he was the only close friend I had during my school years before Haru had shown up into my life.

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